
October Demo Day Recap

Uvaro's October Demo Day was fantastic! Watch the recording and see the epic sales battle between our top 4 talented tech sales recruits.


Aug 23, 2022

Our October Demo Day was a sight to behold. You could see the air sizzling between our top 4 tech sales recruits! After 12 weeks of training at Uvaro, our recruits more often than not - become some of the best tech salespeople within Silicon Valley. Every day, these talented individuals work towards polishing their skills in tactical prospecting, discovery, objection handling, and weaving in personalized stories to become better tech salespeople.

In 15 uninterrupted minutes, watch our top tech sales candidates of the term showcase their newly honed abilities to deliver a specific type of software demo.

Event Recap: October Demo Day

Event Transcript:

Joseph Fung: Good morning everyone! We’re officially live on YouTube now. I see our judges have disappeared into their breakout room. I'm sure over the next couple of minutes you'll continue to hear the chime from my side as we have a couple of stragglers joining us. But welcome to demo day.

I know we've got everybody on mute. So you can't hear the wild applause and adulation. But great job everybody for getting here. This is super exciting. We have a really fun panel of judges today. So it's going to be pretty fun. So I thought we'd get things started off, while they're getting their orientation with Callum.

I'll introduce our judges for everyone's benefit. So for the competitors, this is who you're up against for a buying panel.For everybody else, this is who you can message if you want to feed them good questions. So I'm really excited to say that we have Drew Williams back. Drew is a Specialist in helping companies move from being founder-led sales to bringing on their first sales professionals. so if you ever imagine working with a startup as they're figuring out their sales process and scaling their team, Drew's the guy who knows how that happens and so expects some fun questions from him.

Also really excited to have Lediona Canellari here. She is not only a Sales Expert but an expert in a really difficult area of sales. They sell tools and systems to help companies and not-for-profits fundraise. So they work with charities across Canada, us. Selling one of the most difficult things not a product but goodwill. And so she's got some fun kind of B2B and B2C experience and she's going to be a fantastic judge and ask her questions.

We also have John Moon. Many of you know John. He is an Uvaro grad. A Sales Rep for Kiite and so not only does he have great you know questions and works well in the sales enablement space he's been where you are. So he also knows which questions are going to press the right buttons. So you got to watch out for John but we're lucky to have him here because he's been in your seat.

Mercedes Geimer, she is a Sales Development Director. She’s one of the strongest Leaders in the Sales Development Space that we know. She’s not only a fantastic Advocate and Coach for her teams but she's also a real expert she cut her teeth fundraising and then building sales development teams across a number of tech companies. So we're very lucky to have her.

And then of course early judge, Callum Bramley. He will be your primary buyer. So he's the one you're selling too but he has a team a buying team behind him who might be joining might be feeding questions you'll have to consider their elements as well. Now next I want to introduce our recruits but before, I do especially for those who are joining us on YouTube who hasn't seen every class. I really want to take a moment to underline how difficult today's challenge is. So over the course of the program, we have everyone practice demos, cold calls, scripts.

When we do discovery calls you know in our classroom environment we usually give a lot more time there's a lot more flexibility, there's the opportunity to really run with the conversation. Today we not only have everybody working on a really tight timeline, but we're also asking them to demo software.

So they've got 15 minutes to run an effective discovery call, but also demonstrate some software. So we are going to be crowding a champion today. Let me introduce today's competitors. Now again, this is not the order they're presenting. They don't yet know who's going first.

But I'm so excited to introduce Noopur, Yu Matt, Omar Vanja, congratulations everyone on getting here. It’s a great job. High fives all. If you're following us on Twitter as well you'll see their LinkedIn connections shares, feel free to connect with them. Judges if you haven't connected with them as well and they haven't reached out, feel free to connect to them yourself too.

This is gonna be fun. Let me go over the house rules quickly. And then we'll get ourselves started. so first off for our audience, one of the things I'd ask is that everyone keeps their microphones muted but their cameras on because that'll make sure that we're not interrupting our presenters but they can also see reactions engage with the audience and helps everybody have the best chance of success.

Would also encourage you to engage in chat. So one of the big things that we have is we do have a lead buyer, but that buyer will be leaning on their buying team, the judges but also keeping an eye on the chat area for any great questions or question ideas so please feel free to chime into the chat. You can see we've already got some great conversation going, celebrating Matt's new quaff.

So we're always happy to chime in. and again as a teaser, if you need something to comment on, it is international coffee day so you can comment on your favorite brew. And keep the conversation going. I'd also remind everyone that this is a place to build up. So tough questions are good. You know poking and making things challenging is good too. But we're also looking for opportunities to celebrate the accomplishments of all of our competitors.

So I'd ask that you'd keep that in mind as well. And then last piece, if you'd like to join us on YouTube or if you have any colleagues who are interested in joining in, we are streaming this live on YouTube, the link will be dropped into the chat there. Please feel free to share with any and all they are more than welcome to join us. So that's it for our audience and our house rules. Again for our contestants, and to get things started, we are going to be giving every contestant a small amount of notice. So let me run through these, when you do start, be sure to again remind everybody your name what you're selling and who you're selling it to.

For everyone, this is super fun we have got a great selection of products being pitched today. That does mean though it's going to be tough work for the judges to compare different competitors. So competitors, do remind them what you're selling and who you're selling it to. That'll make it easier for them to evaluate and looking through the list of tools being pitched today again I'm really glad I'm not one of the judges, Callum and team good luck.

What we will be doing is at the end of 15 minutes, if you're still running we will cut you off but then there will be a two minute break that two minute break is both for the judges to finish their notes and their scores, but also for the next competitor to get ready. So giving our first competitor two minutes, the person who will be up first is Vanja.

So you've got two minutes on the clock to get yourself ready. But again after each presenter we'll give everybody the two, minutes we're gonna get through the first three presentations, we're gonna break for a five minute intermission, you know bio break water break, coffee break most importantly and then at the very end there'll be the opportunity for some feedback because we'll have two presenters and then a bit of time for some feedback from both the lead judge as well as our guest judges.

We won't have the opportunity to hit all the notes. So judges again don't worry, your notes will be shared in full with each competitor, but we'll be going through some highlights before crowning the demo champion and then we'll get everybody out before the top of that second hour. So we're sitting in a good spot, we’re about to get ourselves started.

I'm going to stop sharing my screen. But before I hand it over to our first competitor, I'd like to just do a quick pulse check in with our competitors. Can I get quick thumbs up if you're good on all the rules? Check! Check! Check! Check! Nice!

From our judges, everybody ready and all set up? I see thumbs. We’re solid. Callum, you are the lead judge. Any last comments questions to share with the group before we get ourselves started?

Callum Bramley: I don't think so! No! This group knows how much I trust them. So let's just see if that actually works out, for how I'm hoping it does. I'm sure it will! I'm sure it will.

Joseph Fung: And Vanja, you're up first! Any questions items! Are you all set? Excellent! So we will be keeping track of 15 minutes. I've got my timer here. It's good to make sure that you're keeping track on your side too! But after you introduce yourself, I'll have my 15 minutes going. We’ll start the countdown. But I'm going to mute myself and the floor is yours.

Vanja K.: Hi everyone! My name is Vanja. And I'm going to be selling mail shake today! And I'm selling to a non-profit dog rescue organization that is looking for a new way to do their fundraising outreach. Then, alright! Hi Callum! How are you?

Callum Bramley: Hey Vanja! I'm pretty good! How are you doing?

Vanja K.: I'm doing really really good! Yeah! How’s your day been so far?

Callum Bramley: Yeah! It’s been pretty busy! Just you know just getting ready for the work day, took the dog for a walk, grabbed the coffee. How about you?

Vanja K.: Same thing! Just drinking my coffee! And also came back for my dog walk! What kind of dog do you have?

Callum Bramley: He is a Bijean Freeze mixed with a Poodle.

Vanja K.: Oh! So he's like a little guy!

Callum Bramley: Yeah! He’s very small! Yeah!

Vanja K.: I love them! Of all shapes and sizes!

Callum Bramley: He's a 20 pounder!

Vanja K.: Okay! That’s like the perfect size! I think mine is like 30 pounds! So not much bigger! Yeah! So I just wanted to thank you for being here today. I'm really excited to you know continue the conversation that we've already started about soy dog. And I just want to say I really admire the work that you do. It really resonates with me and I also have a rescue. So any opportunity that I get to work with an organization like yours is really great. So thank you.

Callum Bramley: Well, thanks for saying that! I appreciate it!

Vanja K.: I know that the last time you spoke you said that for today's meeting, you have about you have 15 minutes for a conversation. Is that correct?

Callum Bramley: Yeah! That's right! And it is a hard stop at 15 minutes! I'm afraid! I wish, I could give you some more time, but I do have to run to a pretty important meeting right at 15 minutes!

Vanja K.: Of course! Yeah! I will definitely keep it under 15 minutes. So for today, what I want to do is, I want to hear more about soy dogs. So that I can understand your organization's priorities and challenges and then I want to discuss how our platform could be of value to the work that you guys do. Is there anything else that you'd like to add to the agenda?

Callum Bramley: I'd love to understand if you could touch on some non-profit pricing at all at some point during the conversation. You know I'd much rather know that upfront rather than you know spending any more time. And I'm sure you can appreciate, you don't want me to waste your time, if this isn't fit in terms of pricing, so.

Vanja K.: Okay! Yeah! That totally makes sense. Yeah, I'll leave some time at the end to go over any questions as well or any concerns that you might have. But we definitely do have non-profit pricing! So we should definitely talk about that at some point. And then yeah if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to ask at any point. And then at the end if it makes sense for both of us, we can go over the possible next steps and. If it doesn't, it's all good we can part as friends. Does that sound good?

Callum Bramley: Yeah! That’s fair! I'll be totally honest with you and yeah that makes sense to me.

Vanja K.: Alright! Great! So I actually worked with another rescue recently. It was a local one here in Hamilton called Ugly Mutts. They were having a hard time kind of staying on top of all the inquiries that they were getting for adoptions. They had one volunteer who was handling all the outreach and it was getting really overwhelming for that person. Does that sound kind of familiar?

Callum Bramley: Yeah! It does! I'm actually familiar with that rescue too as well! So it's funny that you mentioned! I didn't know that they were, they're using your service. But I am familiar with them! Yeah!

Vanja K.: Yeah! I know they're a really great rescue. And actually, I recently got a follow-up email from them. They told me that like since they started using male shake they were able to be more organized about their adoption, inquiries and they actually increased the number of dogs they placed in forever homes by I think like 25%. Pretty awesome! Right?

Callum Bramley: Oh! Wow! Yeah! That is! It’s pretty compelling! Yeah! So do you think it's worthwhile for me to give them a call and see what they say about you guys?

Vanja K.: Oh! Yeah! For sure! Like, I'm based on what I hear. They have really positive things to say and it's always nice to hear from like other people who are in your spot to hear, how it's working you know you should definitely chat with them if you're in contact.

Callum Bramley: Yeah! For sure! Yeah! And I'll tell you what you're like, I like to ask vendors this question and you know you brought up Ugly Mutts and I know those people and I'm sure they'll be very honest with me. If I was to ask them anything that isn't working out with Mailshake. What do you think they might tell me?

Vanja K.: I think it'd be around! Because they just have an influx of volunteers coming and going all the time. So there is a little bit of a process that they have to you know teach every new volunteer that comes in how to use the platform. But the really great thing is that Mailshake does offer weekly live demos. So what if this is something that you're concerned about, it's you could you know send your new volunteer a link to the live demo and they can get themselves onboarded really quickly.

Callum Bramley: Very good! Yeah! Sounds good!

Vanja K.: Yeah! So but you should definitely talk to them. So the last time we spoke from what I remember you told me that you currently have a team of volunteers who handle the fundraising outreach and that the work is getting to be a little bit much. You also mentioned that you were maybe considering a full-time person to do this outreach but you're concerned about having the budget to do it. Is that correct?

Callum Bramley: That is correct! Yeah! It’s a bit of a dilemma at the moment. The manual process is what it is and I don't think we're meeting or coming anywhere close to what we can potentially tap into in terms of fundraising with that. But then you know I consider hiring a full-time person that's a big chunk of fundraising gone to adding a full-time employee with salary and benefits and everything like that. So I'm pretty stuck in the middle there.

Vanja K.: Yeah! That makes sense! I mean I know that with non-profits you know your budget is limited and you want to make sure that it's going to the right places and I think that you know maybe having a tool like Mailshake could potentially help you not have to hire an extra staff if your volunteers and the people that you have on board right now, can you handle all the outreach. So I think that would be really beneficial. Yeah I just was wondering like what are you hoping to be able to achieve with the platform like Mailshake?

Callum Bramley: I would love you know I use the word manual. I would love to stop being manual in terms of how we're reaching out to people on our mailing lists. We’ve got a great list of people who have opted into that and I love to keep in touch with them.

The manual process right now is our volunteers come in whenever they can outside of their own working hours and personal lives and it's pretty much a copy and paste of a template and they're working through those one by one.

My goal would be for that to be completely automated. As much as possible. Now I don't know what is possible I'm sure you're going to tell me and you're going to show me. But my idea is automation and replacing that manual process.

Vanja K.: Right! Yeah! That makes sense! If you already have the templates you just want to be able to automate it. Alright!

Callum Bramley: Yeah! The templates that we do have in my opinion you know have worked pretty well. It's just the actual manual process of getting them out there which is restricting fundraising efforts right now!

Vanja K.: Okay! Yeah! That makes a lot of sense! We can definitely touch on that. And so does it take you guys a lot of time to do this process right now?

Callum Bramley: It does! My major concern is just when volunteers are actually available to come in and do it right and when they come in and do it. Then it takes time as well because it is such a manual process.

Vanja K.: Okay! Right! And like what challenges do you think that your volunteers are kind of dealing with when they’re going through this manual process?

Callum Bramley: I think they find it a bit of a tedious task to be honest with you. They are not! This is not their day-to-day role in terms of you know nurture campaigns or cadences, that's not what they do in their work life. So I feel like it's not something that they are adept at anyway.

And also you know you sometimes get someone who gives you an angry response and then someone doesn't take it so well and they're volunteering their free time to do this and that seems to hit home for them and they don't like that. So there's a personal impact on it as well.

Vanja K.: That's true! And I know how important volunteers are to non-profit organizations and to dog rescues so you know they're coming out of their way to do this for free because they believe in your mission and you want to make sure that they're having a positive experience right.

Callum Bramley: Absolutely!

Vanja K.: Right! And like right now do you have any ways of tracking how many emails are going out? If you know if they're being opened things like that any metrics.

Callum Bramley: We don't! No! I hadn't even thought of metrics to be honest with you! But now you mention it that would be pretty useful to me! If I could see that stuff! Yeah!

Vanja K.: Okay! Great! So we can definitely touch on that too! Okay! So I feel like I kind of have a better picture of what you guys are hoping to achieve and what some of your concerns are and I do think that our platform would be beneficial for you guys but I'd like to show you how. So do you wanna, we can jump into the demo right now?

Callum Bramley: Yeah! Please feel free! Yeah! That’d be great!

Vanja K.: So I am going to share my screen with you! Can you see everything okay?

Callum Bramley: Yes! Looks perfect!

Vanja K.: Okay! Great! And you can hear me all right?

Callum Bramley: Yes!

Vanja K.: Alright! So you told me earlier that you guys have sort of like a list of people that you're in communication with, donors and people that are interested in your rescue. Right?

Callum Bramley: Exactly! Yeah! Yeah!

Vanja K.: So like that list, is it on like an excel file?

Callum Bramley: Yeah! That’s exactly! It’s on excel! Yeah!

Vanja K.: Well, you can sort of upload that entire excel file onto Mailshake and have all of your people that you've been in touch with and all the emails that you have uploaded on here and then that's just done in one really simple click and then once you do that, you'll get to this page and this is where you can start planning your entire campaign.

So from what I understand from working with Ugly Mutts in the past is that leading up to the holidays is when people are feeling the most generous and that's when their rescue was getting most of their donations in. Is that the same case for you guys?

Callum Bramley: I would say, yes! But it would be more based on like subjective data, just on my gut feeling. I think so. Yeah I would say so!

Vanja K.: Okay! Cool! Well, so basically from this page here you're able to find, to plan your entire campaign from now until let's say at the holidays that's when you really want to ramp up your fundraising. So right here this is your first email that goes out to all of your recipients. You can insert you know whatever pictures, you might have of cute dogs or the promotional materials that you and your organization have already made or the templates that you say that are already working, that can go in here.

And from there, you can plan every single follow-up. So today it's October 1st. So let's say you want to add a follow-up and you want to put it in to go out on November 1st. So you can time, how many days is in between the first email and the second email and from there on, you can you know plan for another one to go out in the middle of November and then another one to go at the beginning of December and then as it gets closer to Christmas time and other holidays, you can really like ramp up your email outreach.

And let's say you have someone who clicks on some of your promotional material that you have in there. You can pause their campaign and add a special email that goes out to them because they've already expressed interest in your organization. So you know they're kind of already thinking about soy dog and maybe they'll be more willing to donate. So they can get a specific email that's just for them. And you can customize it so it looks like its coming you know directly from you to directly to them. Does all of that make sense?

Callum Bramley: Yeah! It does! I'm really liking what I'm seeing and I like you know how you've talked about it as well up to there. I gotta run in two minutes, so I know we talked about maybe exploring nonprofit pricing. So is there anything we should definitely talk about there before I go to run?

Vanja K.: Right! For sure! So our nonprofit pricing, is like we can sort of we have two plans. It’s based on users that's how we do our pricing usually and from what I am, what I see and understand about your organization, I think that you would be good for our business plan. And then with the non-profit pricing, we usually do like a minimum of 15 discounts on that business plan per user. Does that sound good?

Callum Bramley: It does! In theory, yeah! So I would love to see more detail on that. That sounds okay to me. Is there anything else that we need to chat about today?

Vanja K.: Yeah! Well, I think that what we can do is we can set up our next meeting where we can go over some more pricing options or any other questions that you might have and we can figure out how to get your team onboarded to Mailshake, if that's what you guys are interested in. Is there anyone else that you would like to invite to this follow-up meeting?

Callum Bramley: Yes! Absolutely! Yeah! So I think we should bring in one of our actual founder. So her name is Alex. So we'll bring Alex in too. She just needs to approve anything that we do end up purchasing. So I'd love to get her take on it as well.

Vanja K.: Okay! Great! Well, it sounds like we're gonna have a lot to talk about in this next meeting because I feel like we have some alignment here. So I have sent you and Alex an email that is a Calendly link. You can choose what time works for you next week to me and I'm really looking forward to it.

Callum Bramley: Okay! Great! Thanks a lot Vanja!

Vanja K.: Thank you so much, Callum! Have a good one!

Callum Bramley: You too! Bye!

Joseph Fung: Wow! Well done! There we go! So Vanja, running it down to the wire. I have 18 seconds left on my timer. So well done there! You know maximizing the use of the time they're getting the last minute out of it.

That’s wicked! So while our judges are finishing up their scores, I want to give a heads up to our second competitor and then Vanja, I'll be right back to you. Next up will be Noopur. So feel free to get yourself ready! Get yourself set up! Vanja, you're done! Now you're not on the hot seat anymore. How are you feeling?

Vanja K.: I'm feeling pretty good! There’s already some things that I've identified that I could have done different in that conversation. But overall I think it went okay!

Joseph Fung: Nice! Yeah! Some good use of customer testimonials in there you know building the connection. You didn't seem fazed at all when Callum brought up the daggers right away and asked you to share your products weaknesses. You handled that well. That was good!

Vanja K.: Yeah!

Joseph Fung: I see a number of our judges’ kind of making notes kind of firing away. I want to make sure they've got kind of their moments to get in. Noopur, are you all set up and you ready there? Perfect! I am actually going to reset my timer. So we got a full 15 minutes back in. Looks like most of our kind of judges are looking up and I see, can I get thumbs up if folks are ready?

I see two thumb thumbs! Okay! Oh! Callum, how I'm still looking pensively, come on? He’s putting in the scores. There we go! Got the thumbs up! I think we're good to go. Before I'm gonna mute myself, remember introduce yourself, product, who you're selling to, and we'll get 15 minutes on the clock. It’s all yours.

Noopur Modi: So Hi! I'm Noopur and my product is Asana. And I'm selling it to Kiite, a CTO of Kiite. And I'm going to start now. Hey Callum, hi!

Callum Bramley: Hey Noopur! How are you doing?

Noopur Modi: I'm doing good! How are you?

Callum Bramley: I'm very good. Thanks! For asking!

Noopur Modi: So did you start your morning or you're an early riser!

Callum Bramley: Yeah a bit of an early riser! Not so much this morning. I slept in somewhat but you know I've had a coffee and took the dog out for a walk. How about you?

Noopur Modi: Yeah same for me. I see you are celebrating the international coffee day already.

Callum Bramley: Absolutely! Yeah! So I can see my coffee machine over there with a few drips left in it. So I'm gonna be going to grabbing that after this meeting.

Noopur Modi: Oh! I'm working on my coffee too. So cheers there! So for this call, I was thinking that I'll have will make it very conversational. And so if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me anytime. I was thinking that, I'll start with asking you about, how do you feel about using Asana? I know you have been using it for a month now. And it was great that I could see some activity happening on your account.

And I saw that you had like around five team members on it already. So that's amazing. So I just wanted to know that I'm sure you had some goals and expectations from Asana when you signed up for it. So whether they met or not, and then feel free to ask me any questions once again. And towards the end, I would say that we can talk about plans and pricing, if we find an alignment. How does that sound?

Callum Bramley: Yeah! That sounds like a plan to me. No worries at all.

Noopur Modi: Perfect! So I'll go right into my question then like yep, so what were the goals and expectations that you had around Asana when you signed up for it?

Callum Bramley: Yeah! So right now we're managing a lot of our projects through just spreadsheets. You know we are still a small team. So we've not really explored something like Asana. So as you know when we spoke last time to set up the trial account, just wanted to test it out with a few of my team. The goal was sort of to get that feedback and if this would be worthwhile or not or should we actually think about maybe hitting pause on this and exploring it in 2021.

Noopur Modi: So that’s really nice to hear that. You got time to explore Asana. And then I would like to know, what's your honest feedback? What you were expecting basically?

Callum Bramley: Well, I knew what to expect, because I know that you guys are a big company and I've seen it before. I've never actually used it before but I know other companies that have used you guys and I knew what to expect is what I'm saying there. How we sort of got to use it was not as much as I'd have hoped, I'll be honest. Pretty much down to bandwidth, we’ve been quite busy with a big push for a release towards the end of this quarter.

So it really was trying to juggle that and okay now we've got to spend some time exploring Asana. We tried to run one project through it like a smaller project we were doing. Seemed to work fine, like I can definitely seem to pick it up and know how to use it, pretty easily. I will say I had one team member who joined us recently who had used Wrike before. And she was talking to me about how Wrike was a little bit different to Asana.

And of course, when you've used a product, that's a competitor. Like she has before she was very much positioning those guys above you guys. So if we can spend some time today, I'd love to know what your opinion is on, where you guys stand out against Wrike. And then I can be better versed in coming back and say no Asana is the option for us when she when she brings it up again.

Noopur Modi: That sounds right! Like, I personally come from an engineering background as well. So I was working as a number software engineer. It’s a different industry. But I do understand because I started as a junior engineer in that company .and it was it was not easy for me initially.

Just to see this lot of happening in Asana’s platform and what to understand. But I think with time it was it became very seamless for me to understand how Asana is working and what it it's worth basically. But you mentioned Wrike, and one of your team members you said has used Wrike. So can you tell me if you have got to hear what was great you liked about Wrike.

Callum Bramley: There was just a little bit of like, okay this does this better, this does that better, that sort of stuff where, I know she was stacking up a lot of side by side well. When I was doing this in Wrike. It seemed to work better. It was a little bit easier so, very much more feature driven. And I sort of do empathize with the fact that you know I know because I've purchased software before that's it a lot of times it's down to how you configure it to your own account.

And I was trying to tell her that it's like you know maybe with Asana we can make it work and for us whereas you know you're using Wrike for your previous company that might be a major difference there. But maybe it was just sort of like to answer you honestly, it was more this feature did this, feature did that, sort of thing.

Noopur Modi: Sounds great! I can get into the differences or something do new enhancements that we have, that we can offer with Asana. But before that I wanted to ask you that you did mention a little bit about your current process, that you are using excel and stuff. But like, are there another any other software that you're using for internal communication or for basic planning of any of your version release, let's say?

Callum Bramley: No! We just, for internal communication, it is just Slack right now. Yeah! Its Slack and spreadsheets. And that's how we're managing that.

Noopur Modi: So that's really good because Asana offers integrations with Slack and as well as with g-speed spreadsheets. So it's amazing! And did you get chance to put any of your old projects on Asana's platform?

Callum Bramley: I know I didn't think about that actually. No! So all the projects that have perhaps been completed. I can just import them in there.

Noopur Modi: Yeah! Because since you mentioned that you use Google spreadsheets. It’s really easy when you're using spreadsheets for using those material, we can just put it on Asana. And so the business plan comes with onboarding and training. So part of our onboarding is that we can convert all your older projects into CSV formats and upload it for you on Asana. So you have basically one platform with all your projects, the prior ones and the current ones running.

Callum Bramley: Cool! Absolutely! Yeah! So I mean do you have anything to show me today?

Noopur Modi: Yep! So I'm just going to share my screen over here. Can you see my screen okay?

Callum Bramley: Yes! Absolutely! Yeah! So this looks very familiar to me based on what we were doing last week.

Noopur Modi: Oh really that's great! Yeah because I just created a engineering team here. For the sake of this I'm the CTO, and I'm also the collaborator. So I'm everything here. It’s just a fake version that I've created. And as you can see, I just added sections like features testing, debugging or any bug fixes required and so you can add as many sections here. And each section has tasks mentioned underneath. So would you like me to go over something specific, since you're familiar with this layout?

Callum Bramley: You know what, like the one thing I wasn't really getting a sense of and I guess it's because we didn't really use it too much. Is anything metrics based? I would love to see some analytics that you can perhaps show me. Or even direct me to where that might live and how that can be of value to us going forward if we were to pick you guys here?

Noopur Modi: Yep! So that's one of the difference that we have with other competitors, in this field, because you can see we have different layouts here first of all. So that you can basically track what is happening in which project. and at the same time you can create reports as many as you want, it can be task based that you have created, recently completed tasks or the tasks that are assigned to others. And so depending on the projects that you're running, it will just create a report and then you can see the analytics right there.

Callum Bramley: Very cool! Yeah!

Noopur Modi: That’s nice! And you mentioned that you had Slack and other software that you use right now. And I can just show you here that we do have integrations as I already mentioned with a various other software. And this actually…

Callum Bramley: This is interesting, Noopur. So like if I was to go down this route and connect to our Slack, would I be able to do that out of the box? can I just sort of follow a step by step by going down here or I need you guys to do that for me and configure it and that leads me to wonder if it's that option? Will that cost any money for a custom integration?

Noopur Modi: Yep so integrations are not a charge. You can go ahead and set it up. And as I already mentioned, we can also set it up for you in our onboarding and training sessions. So it will be very easy because in the sense that if you see here we, I don't know if you got a chance to explore this, but with each task, we allow chatting underneath. Like you can chat about the current task and even like management can come in and answer your questions if you have any underneath. And this can also be reflected on Slack. So everything happens in one space.

Callum Bramley: So can I act someone on my team in here and they'll be notified?

Noopur Modi: Yes! so there you can set up the notifications as you want. But let's say that even small things like when you go ahead and take something that, hey, this is done, you get notified on your email. And you can celebrate yeah there, is like a beautiful celebration, picture coming up. But so I think like the questions that you had and the things that you were looking out for in

Callum Bramley: Asana, I kind of went ahead and tried to answer them. Is there anything else that you would like me to go over?

Callum Bramley: I know we've got sort of four minutes left then I do gotta run. So I would love for you to tell me what it actually looks like for me to get started? I know we've started a little bit with that proof of concept account. Is it a case of was just turning that into a fully paid account? Do we need to lose that and go down a different route? So what can you just tell me what an implementation would look like for us?

Noopur Modi: Implementation will be very seamless. It will directly, so once you give me, I actually feel there's an alignment for sure. Like we can Asana can really fit into your system very well. And if you feel the same, we can set up a plan and I can just come here. And can you see my slide here?

Callum Bramley: Yes! I can, yeah!

Noopur Modi: Perfect! So this is just basically the plan that you had right now. That you kind of used for this month. And for this plan, our price is 24.99 dollar for team member. I just have an estimate of 10 team members. Do you know what how many members you're looking for using Asana?

Callum Bramley: I did do some thinking on that and I think it will be, it would be 20, as a round number for you. Just a ball pocket at 20.

Noopur Modi: So it's around 499 then, for an annual plan per month. And in that case, what we will do is, I can just send you a link to the payment confirmation and then this account will definitely be an annual account by then.

Callum Bramley: I've been in software for quite a while and I've purchased a lot of software. So you know I would kick myself if I didn't ask you Noopur. Today is the first day of Q4. What can you do for me in Q4 on this pricing here?

Noopur Modi: You know what thank you for asking that. And I was going to bring it up. Because there’s good news for us that yesterday Asana went public. And so this is like a customer appreciation week. We actually wrote a big blog on that as well. So yeah I can actually, since this is a customer appreciation, we do offer 10% off. So it I can calculate for you, but it can be around 349 dollars so you kind of save like 20 dollars.

Callum Bramley: Yeah! that's pretty interesting. Thank you for that. Congratulations by the way. That’s good news.

Noopur Modi: Thank you! So do you want me to set up your account for the business plan?

Callum Bramley: I think we're aligned here, yeah, so is it sort of a code that you need to send me for the ten percent or how do we do that?

Noopur Modi: So I'll send you an email, which will have all the information, and it will have the code and everything and when you go ahead and complete the payment, we, our customer success team will get in touch with you. And they’ll make sure that they set up the onboarding and training. So that would be the next steps.

Callum Bramley: Okay, very good!

Noopur Modi: Awesome! So I am sending you an email right after this call. And do let me know if you have any questions I will definitely like to be connected with you. And once again, welcome to Asana.

Callum Bramley: Thank you very much, Noopur! I appreciate it!

Noopur Modi: It was great talking to you, Callum!

Callum Bramley: Yeah! You too!

Noopur Modi: Bye!

Callum Bramley: Bye-bye! Have a nice day!

Joseph Fung: There we go! 40 seconds left on the clock. Great job Noopur! That was awesome!

Noopur Modi: Thank you!

Joseph Fung: So take a breath! You know catch yourself off. Giving the judges a couple of minutes to finish out their notes, comments, scores. Our third presenter today, I'd love to tee up, Matt, you'll be up next. Do you want to get yourself ready? Noopur, now that you've caught your breath, how you feeling?

Noopur Modi: I'm feeling good! Thank you for choosing me, second.

Joseph Fung: So excited to be all there! Did that deal move forward? Yeah you feel good about the opportunities to close the Kiite CTO?

Noopur Modi: Yeah! I feel Good!

Joseph Fung: How did you feel about the curveballs there? You know especially you know right at the end you're going in a positive direction, he's like hey Q4 just started, how do, what can you do for me? Yeah, how'd you feel about that?

Noopur Modi: Yeah! But it was really nice, but I kind of I read about it that they did actually went public yesterday, Asana. So I kind of used that to you know navigate through that curveball.

Joseph Fung: It’s good timing using concurrent events for that. That was awesome!

Noopur Modi: Thank you!

Joseph Fung: So just kind of circling back into our next competitor, Matt, you got yourself all ready? Stuff set up? See your thumbs up there, that's good! And I can see…

Matt Fairbanks: I'm ready to go!

Joseph Fung: Nice! I see some of our judges still taking a couple of notes. Oh, mostly smiling faces, and good! Can I get thumbs up from the judges if everyone's ready? There we go! Okay! I think we're set up then! So I have put 15 minutes back on the clock. Matt, I'm going to be moving myself in a moment to get a quick reminder. What you're selling, who you're selling it to, and then we'll get the timer started. So I'm muting myself and it's all your!

Matt Fairbanks: Excellent! Hi, I'm Matt Fairbanks. And today I'm gonna be selling HubSpot to an early stage startup called sales RRS that creates templates for marketing campaigns. I've previously had a cold call with Callum. So we kind of already know each other a little bit. He’s the CRO at sales RS and he's really interested in hearing more. Callum, how are you today?

Callum Bramley: Hey Matt! How are you doing?

Matt Fairbanks: Good? You're in Toronto, right!

Callum Bramley: Yeah! I am. I'm in the west end well pretty far west/ I'm more or less Etobicoke, south of Etobicoke. How about you?

Matt Fairbanks: Yes! Yeah! Me too. I've kind of been you know stay at home orders a little bit going on here. And kind of been stuck in the city. But I recently got to go up to a cottage last week.

Callum Bramley: Have you got out?

Matt Fairbanks: It was, yeah, it was great to kind of get out you know. Do you have any even vacation plans coming up?

Callum Bramley: I do actually, yeah, yes. I'm taking my first week of vacation next week so.

Matt Fairbanks: The first week of the year?

Callum Bramley: Yeah perfect with time for that second wave. So I'm not going to be doing the whole lot. But you know just relaxing and doing some housework I guess.

Matt Fairbanks: Yeah! Well, you know we always got to set aside time for that, right?

Callum Bramley: Yeah!

Matt Fairbanks: Staycations are important too!

Callum Bramley: Yeah! For sure!

Matt Fairbanks: So first like I kind of want to set some goals for today just right off the bat we'll make a deal, alright. We’re both gonna walk away from this with two accomplishments. Alright, we're gonna learn from each other and we’re not going to waste time. How does that sound?

Callum Bramley: That’s fair enough and wait not wasting time is perfect for me. Because it's what 9:45 right now and I got a meeting to be in at 10 AM. So even if you can give me some time back before that that would be amazing.

Matt Fairbanks: 100%! So my plan for today, is that you know we're gonna learn more about your company. You know I wanna hear your story, I wanna kind of know maybe a little bit of the secrets of how your rocket ship growth has happened. And you know I really want to and like congratulations on your recent round of funding. I also kind of want to show you how some aspects of HubSpot, I think can really help you continue that trajectory.

Callum Bramley: Cool!

Matt Fairbanks: And you know if we align, we'll talk about next steps and what the future holds for sales RS with the CRM.

Callum Bramley: Sounds good! Sounds good!

Matt Fairbanks: Is there anything else that you want me to focus on today?

Callum Bramley: I don't think so. Well maybe you know once you start walking me through it and talking me through it, then questions might flow out. I'm more than happy to keep it conversational in mind and I'll stop you if I feel like anything is a miss and we can realign some efforts towards something that's more appropriate to us.

Matt Fairbanks: Yeah 100%. I mean you know this is a two-way street. I really want you to feel comfortable interrupting me. You know it's not a debate, right?

Callum Bramley: Exactly! Yeah!

Matt Fairbanks: So you know we said 15 minutes. And you know and with those goals in mind. I promise to keep that time limit. And if there's anything else that we that comes up in sort of our discussion in our conversation. We can schedule a follow-up and I can send you any answers to those questions.

Callum Bramley: Yeah! Sounds great! Sounds great!

Matt Fairbanks: Alright! Excellent! So you know last time we talked, you said that you were growing rapidly and you're experiencing some issues with organization as you scale.

Callum Bramley: Yeah that's correct! Yeah growing rapidly, which is obviously a good thing. And we are adding a lot of bodies to the sales team as we do grow I'm a big believer in growing out the sales team to meet company growth goals. So it obviously presents some challenges here and there we are in the market I would say for a new CRM. When I say new CRM we'll be ripping and replacing excel.

That's how we've been managing it to date for things like budgetary reasons and you can sort of manage a lot of it out of excel to be honest with you before we do land on something like what you guys are offering and I feel like now is probably the right time. You know and I've been in sales for a while and I know that we're coming up to the end of the year. So I'd be a bit of pretty, I'm in the market for a lot of stuff and CRM is just one of them.

Matt Fairbanks: How’s your sales team currently structured?

Callum Bramley: So it's myself and then I got a sales manager. I'm currently trying to hire sales development manager to actually manage the SDRs on their side, got a couple of SDRs hoping to grow that team out to at least five by the end of the year and then I got two AEs and again I would love that to I'd love to double the AE team.

Maybe not by the end of the year but at least by the end of Q1 next year. So that's pretty much how it's structured. I don't see much of that changing into next year to be honest in terms of how the actual structure is. Depends on what happens in terms of another round of funding, if that happens then maybe we'll start thinking about sales enablement and all those other functions as well.

Matt Fairbanks: Okay and then how are you kind of, what's your current tracking of your employees work like how are you determining how accurate their numbers are?

Callum Bramley: Trust basis! Yeah!

Matt Fairbanks: Do you have like meetings every week? Or

Callum Bramley: Yeah! I mean sales levels, we have the morning hurdle, we have you know your typical sales kickoffs every quarter, we've got sales management meetings, we've got sales meetings as a team. So the SDR team AE teams individually you got management one-on-ones, your typical sort of sales stuff as I'm sure you're aware of in your role.

Matt Fairbanks: Yeah and you know so how you said you're planning some more expansionyou know by adding some more AEs and whatnot in beginning of Q1 next year. What’s your onboarding process like? And how are you set up for that?

Callum Bramley: That’s the thing! That’s sort of fallen by the wayside, I would say. you know we've not really had to do it because the people that I have hired I've worked with previously and as I said trust basis I know what they're going to do and we've brought them in. So they can sort of hit the ground running and learn as they do. The next set of hires, they are going to be external hires that do need that onboarding and we just don't have any plan for that right now.

Matt Fairbanks: And my other question was about you know you have, you're working out of excel right now and have you ever had any troubles with sort of double emailing or double calling happening between SDRs.

Callum Bramley: Yeah we do, yeah. So it's sort of a nightmare, more on the contact side that's what I worry about the most is that first impression of our company is a bad one because you've got two people reaching out at the same time. There’s no sort of internal competing or there's no bad blood between our sales reps when that happens because they are as I've said friends that worked previously before we're all a tight knit team here.

It's more of a worry for me that lands in a prospect's inbox twice in the same day or same week, it does reflect badly or not, so it does, it does it's one of those things that keeps me up at night. I would say.

Matt Fairbanks: Okay! Well, let me let me show you my screen here and let me know if this kind of looks kind of like what you're currently using. So this is a just a dummy spreadsheet here of you know our council we've got so these are six accounts and then for each one, I've got let's say, six you know contacts for each one, right? And it's just a whole bunch of information. Does this resonate with you?

Callum Bramley: Yeah that looks scarily similar to what we're using right now. Yeah except mine is color color-coded all over the place like with red with greens with yellows just based on our own color-coding of you know I guess you could call it a different contact stage or different deal stage. That’s how we tend to manage it. But other than that pretty similar.

Matt Fairbanks: Ever any colorblind employees?

Callum Bramley: That’s a good question. No I've never asked that of my employees but I should go and check just to see if makes sure we are color coding things correctly.

Matt Fairbanks: Well so here's one of the things with HubSpot, what we can do. Is we can take that initial data set that you have, import it into our platform. And it'll look something like this. So from there.

Callum Bramley: Matt, let me ask you like that excel spreadsheet that we've got. There’s thousands of contacts thousands of accounts on there, how quick is that gonna be if I import it like how long is that going to take?

Matt Fairbanks: It, all you need to do is, do the import of a CSV file. So it will take under you know five to ten minutes, for it to import the file.

Callum Bramley: Okay! Cool! And if I had any issues with that if I felt like it was broken, what do I do?

Matt Fairbanks: You have a dedicated CS team that's got your back. So you can contact them 24/7 and they'll be able to get back to you immediately.

Callum Bramley: Okay! Cool.

Matt Fairbanks: So if so you want you talked about previously about how you are you know you want to see adding on more employees and like you know having more people in that spreadsheet, right?

Callum Bramley: Yes absolutely, yep!

Matt Fairbanks: So for instance, if you want to look here, this is an example of one contact and all the touch points that have happened so far with that contact. You can log here each email, see any replies set tasks for the next to follow up you can also import your, you know, you can log through an importing system. So I know you've talked previously about how you're using Mailshake. And so what we can do is log all those email touch points and have them all fall here.

Callum Bramley: Yeah! So I mean this is looking like something that we do you know as I say we are in the market before. I gotta be honest with you. As you might expect when I tell you I've been in sales a while you can probably guess which CRM. I'm most accustomed to so I'd love to hear you know why would I go with you guys and not…

Matt Fairbanks: Salesforce? Yeah! The elephant in the room here right? Understandably you know Salesforce is a great product. It is extremely customizable and it can be set up for large enterprises. And that's sort of what they geared towards. You know here at HubSpot our difference is that we are geared towards small and medium-sized enterprises like yourself. You know these growing startups who are experiencing this rocket ship growth. And need to kind of add on as they grow.

Callum Bramley: That’s a good answer. I appreciate that and I sort of thought that you might say that as well so I was thinking you know what I don't like to do when I purchase software be at this company or the previous company is have to replace it when I feel like I outgrow it. Right? can you talk to me about like why I would stick with HubSpot even when we do get to that sort of you know 500 employee stage if we touch wood, if we get there.

Matt Fairbanks: Oh it's gonna get. You’re gonna get there. You know the reason that I would suggest that you move to something like HubSpot is because you don't need right off the bat all of these extras. you know you don't need AI driven you know lead scrubbers and things like that, you know, you need at this level this amount you know and as you grow you can decide and you have the choice of picking what you wanted to what you want to have for your solution. How does that resonate with you?

Callum Bramley: Yeah okay that makes sense! Yeah so do you have anything else that you need to show me?

Matt Fairbanks: I mean if you would like to go more into kind of how our reporting functions go or how we can do deal tracking as well. We have that option as well.

Callum Bramley: Do we have time for that? Do you do you feel like we can squeeze that in the next three minutes?

Matt Fairbanks: I think that you know if it's up to you know I if you want to have this discussion we can we can do that but you know with three minutes remaining, I think that it would be something to take on to another meeting.

Callum Bramley: Okay! Cool! yeah so that's one thing I would be definitely interested in seeing into the level of reporting. If we if we can sort of schedule some time for that, that would be perfect. You just mentioned customizable aspect of Salesforce that's the big thing that was the value to us. In our last company is using it as a bit of a data aggregator to make data-driven decisions and I would love to be able to do the same thing out of something like HubSpot. Because I know you know price point is going to be a lot lower than what's going with sales walls right now. So

Matt Fairbanks: Yeah! Fair enough!

Callum Bramley: Yeah! Okay!

Matt Fairbanks: You know I also just kind of wanted to mention you know one of my favorite clients is Advanced B2B. You know they're a marketing firm similar to yourself that's based out of Helsinki. And they previously you know had an un-integrated set of tools. You know they were using excels you know they were using an email campaign driver. And really what they really wanted was to sort of have an all-in-one solution.

And you know they brought in HubSpot and they saw you know 267 percent increase in their revenue generation. So I mean this is when you're adding in those new AEs and whatnot, it's important to kind of have that all set up and ready for them right you want to get the best talent too right?

Callum Bramley: Yeah! Look! So I tend to have to build a business case when I you know as a team, we give it a stamp of approval as a leadership team and when we bring on a new vendor like HubSpot, that's compelling enough for me. Shoot that over to me in an email and I'll include it in there okay?

Matt Fairbanks: Excellent! So should we set up this meeting for next week, right?

Callum Bramley: Yeah! I'd love to dive more into reporting and pricing next week if possible. And anything else that you feel like is you know now you've got to know us a little bit more would benefit us. You know as I said, Matt, as well I know I'm shopping around in Q4 so keep that in mind as well for next week.

Matt Fairbanks: Excellent! But I know you're on vacation though next week. So maybe a week after right?

Callum Bramley: Yeah! week after week would be better. It’s thanksgiving right in Canada. So after thanksgiving, I guess, we'll get together.

Matt Fairbanks: Excellent! Is there anyone else you want to have involved in that meeting?

Callum Bramley: So I'm going to be able to make a decision on it as I said it's more of a me putting a business case together and my team of leadership including myself just saying, you know, yeah for sure give it giving it a nod. I don't think we need to include anyone. But just to, sort of, give you some names of the leadership team here, I'm sure you've done your homework on LinkedIn anyway but Sheila and John are going to be part of that team.

Matt Fairbanks: Excellent!

Callum Bramley: Yep!

Matt Fairbanks: Alright! So we'll set up the meeting then for let's say next Tuesday or sorry a week Tuesday?

Callum Bramley: Yeah sure! Can you shoot me over sometimes? Because I you know straight after a vacation, I like to have a meeting with the team, so shoot me some time get back up to speed.

Matt Fairbanks: Yeah! What we'll do is, I'll include like a Calendly link. So then you can kind of pick which time works for you. I'd also kind of want to include in that email. Some answers to your reporting questions.

Callum Bramley: Okay!

Matt Fairbanks: How does that sound?

Callum Bramley: Sounds good! Yeah!

Matt Fairbanks: Excellent! Well Callum I hope you have a wonderful vacation next week. Take that time do you use that staycation to, for good. And you know I'll talk to you a week after okay?

Callum Bramley: Alright! Thanks a lot, Matt!

Matt Fairbanks: Alright! Take care!

Joseph Fung: Oh! Right down there! The timer went off didn't quite get to interrupt you. Two seconds over. But you closed that that was tight. Man you're really running it down to the wire there, Matt. well done. So I know that we said we take a brief break. I'm going to toss up the five minute intermission slide.

What I'd ask everybody is if you are stepping away, if you close down your cameras, that’s fine, what I ask is when you do come back toss your cameras back on so we know folks are back and we'll be able to dig in as soon as we get back.

Let folks know who the fourth competitor is, we've got two left. But everybody please top up your waters or coffees and we'll have you back in a moment, chat soon! We still got most away on their break. If you're joining us on YouTube, we have our quick intermission, with just a couple of minutes left. We’ve got a couple of judges back. How’s the score keeping going so far?

Callum Bramley: I gotta say Joseph it's so close. And we've got two presenters left. It’s so close.

Joseph Fung: I do have to admit, I almost snuffed my coffee with the debate reference the beginning of Matt's pitch. That was a funny one to slip in there so, well done. Quick reminder to those if you're coming back and if you're at your computer. If you can flip your camera back on so we'll know that folks have returned.

We do have two competitors left and want to make sure that they've got kind of their audience teed up. And I know it's an early morning for many. But especially for those on the west coast, thank you for joining us so early this is a fun adrenaline way to this adrenaline-filled way to start your day.

So well done especially for our west coast participants. Let’s see it looks like we've got most of our competitors back. We’ve got two left so to give the two minutes of preparation, our fourth competitor will be Yu Teshima. So if you'd like to get yourself ready, you've got a couple of minutes on the clock there. I know that I want to give our judges a break too. So they've got a couple of minutes to finish up their notes. Matt, circle back, you're out of the hot seat now. How are you feeling now, that you've got that out of the way?

Matt Fairbanks: I feel good! Feel good!

Joseph Fung: Nice! Do you feel like you moved the deal forward well enough?

Matt Fairbanks: Could have been a little better but I could have focused a little more on some of his objections about Salesforce. But other than that did well, did well.

Joseph Fung: Oh do you, yeah, if you're doing this again is that where you would have focused or is there anything else you would have changed?

Matt Fairbanks: I think that would have been my main one just to hammer that one home to show the difference of the two competitors.

Joseph Fung: Nice! And kind of going back to an earlier competitor, Vanja, you were first. You got a chance to watch a couple of other competitors since yours. How are you feeling now?

Vanja K.: I feel good! Everyone did such a good job though. I think the judges are gonna have a hard time picking. And it's fun to see like everyone's progress as well because we've all been practicing with each other and yeah this is like the final results of all that practice.

Joseph Fung: You joined us for a demo day as part of the audience right after you started the course. How does this how does this match what you first saw? How are you feeling about that?

Vanja K.: Oh my gosh! I remember like watching it and thinking there's no way that in 12 weeks. I'm gonna be able to get to that point and pull this off. And then I even watched another one after that and I still felt the same. So it's cool to like actually have pulled it off.

Joseph Fung: That’s awesome! So I see, I think we've got most of our judges back. Just doing a quick scan through all of our video feeds here. Nice! And Callum how are we doing in terms of the scoring are we good to move on to our fourth and then final competitors?

Callum Bramley: We’re all good! We’re all good!

Joseph Fung: Awesome! Yu before I hand it off to you any questions or you all set up? Great let me just reset the timer on my side of things again please introduce kind of what you're selling who you're selling it to and then we'll get the timer started. But I'm muting myself. Floor is yours!

Yu Teshima: Okay! So my name is Yu and I'm selling Kiite. And the persona is calling will be VP of Revenue Operation. So he is the one who manages the sales managers and the marketing managers. And the scenario is I already talked with the sales manager Nicole. And she liked Kiite. So that's how we are talking for the first time today. Hi Callum! How are you doing today?

Callum Bramley: Hi Yu! I'm very good. How are you?

Yu Teshima: I'm doing great! Callum, did you know today is an international coffee day?

Callum Bramley: You know what! I think like three people have already told me that this morning, so I did know! So, I got coffee for this meeting!

Yu Teshima: Yeah good! I have mine here too! And I saw your base in Toronto as well and I'm kind of new to Toronto. So do you have any recommendations for you know great coffee shop?

Callum Bramley: Great coffee shops! Let me just think I don't mind dark course. But you know what I don't like those coffee shops where you go in and it's just full of people on their laptops. It’s like you know where can I sit now but it is one of those, but it is coffee! Yeah that's hot well. They’ve got a few locations. But I know my friend Alex just hates dark course. So that's what its worth as well!

Yu Teshima: Okay! I always ended up going to Starbucks and I'd like to try something new, but

Callum Bramley: Exactly! Yeah! and my friend Alex was a big fan of quantum coffee. And I tried to tell her like that's just…

Yu Teshima: Quantum?

Callum Bramley: Yeah! Really expensive coffee and very Bougie.

Yu Teshima: Okay! I might try sometime. Yeah. So first of all I'd like to thank your time being here with me today. And we schedule this call for 15 minutes. Is still okay with you?

Callum Bramley: Yeah! I do have a heart out at 15 minutes! I'm afraid I wish I could give you some more time but I'm really interested to hear what you got to offer today though.

Yu Teshima: Yeah! No worries! I'll promise to finish everything in 15 minutes unless you go. So you know I have many things prepared. But this conversation could go to any direction. So we both know that I spoke with Nicole and she loved Kiite, I'm really happy. And you know but from your role and your perspective, I like to hear what brought you to this school today and which area would you like to focus?

Callum Bramley: Yeah! That's a great question and I was trying to think about this because I was looking at your products and it seemed like there's a lot of things it could actually solve there for me. But I think if I had to prioritize one and I know we've got a short amount of time, it would be how you can help us deliver onboarding for new sales reps. I think that's the obvious one for me.

Yu Teshima: Yeah! That's fair! And I spoke with Nicole and her main concern was also on boarding, which is exciting, because that means you're expanding your sales team. And that's really great. So yeah but with that, yeah I would like to touch on you know how you can save some time and deliver the quality sales resources to your team. That sounds good?

Callum Bramley: Yeah, sounds perfect.

Yu Teshima: That's good! So that'll be main focus for today. And also I notice you are managing the marketing team as well. So would you be interested to see some analytics and you know how marketing team can save their time as well to deliver the resources?

Callum Bramley: That’s a good idea, yes! I do have a product marketing manager here, with me. Not in the room I'm afraid. But you know he couldn't make it. But I know that that's stuff that he would be really interested in knowing about if he can just explore that for me just so I can take back that information and explain it to him.

So just to, sort of you know give you an idea from a marketing perspective that that individual is tasked with giving sales assets to our sales team to use. It’s currently just stored away in a drive right now and I think something trackable would benefit him greatly.

Yu Teshima: Yeah! Definitely! So I can touch on one will be the onboarding for the celsium and how you know you can deliver the resources. And then two I can touch on analytics and how your product manager can use Kiite to for the tracking as well. Okay, sounds good. So for agenda for me what’s in my mind is at first I'd like to ask a couple more questions to you. So that I'll have better understanding of your current situation.

You know like many customers use Kiite in a different way, so I'd like to specifically cater to your specific situation and I don't want to of course waste your time. so and then we will take a look at the Kiite platform and at the end I like to save maybe three to five minutes to discuss the next step if you see the alignment based on what we discussed. Does that sound fair?

Callum Bramley: Yeah! I don't see why not! That sounds like a fair deal to me.

Yu Teshima: Yeah! Great! Yeah and please feel free to you know ask any questions during the conversation. I want to keep this conversational. And I appreciate your honesty as well. If you see at any point that you know you have a concern or you see if that's not good fit, then it will be appreciated your honesty.

Callum Bramley: Yeah! Absolutely! I know a quick no is just as valuable sometimes. So

Yu Teshima: Yeah! Definitely!

Callum Bramley: Yeah!

Yu Teshima: Sounds good! That's good! thank you so much. So okay going back to your the first point about the onboarding? I've heard a little bit from Nicole. But can you walk me through! How you're currently doing onboarding?

Callum Bramley: Yeah! So I got a spreadsheet. That is a checklist sort of spreadsheet. I give it to new sales reps when they when they start. It's sort of a you know meet with this person schedule time with this person, read this document, read this case study, it's things like watch these five demos recording and you know it's you know meet with your Salesforce admin and get checked off that you've got your login and set up that sort of stuff.

So there's no real what I would describe as tribal knowledge in there of how to actually sell or messaging or positioning or battle cards or anything like that it's pretty much just a sort of a soft onboarding. That’s more maybe Hr driven than sales driven.

Yu Teshima: Okay! And how is it working so far?

Callum Bramley: It’s a good question. I mean some reps come in and they hit the ground running fine, some reps come in and they don't they are. I don't want to say bad hires but you know they tend to ask me a lot of questions it's like where can I find this where can I find that. And you know that tends to think this person doesn't have that critical thinking to go find something so…

Yu Teshima: Yeah! I hear you! Like ideally of course you know like all the reps are like self-starter and like they can you know get them running by themselves. but yeah I also have experience that when I was managing the sales team, you know like people keep asking same questions that I've already like told or you know maybe I'd written down in the sales manual. But they probably hadn't read it. And that was wasting a lot of my time so I can see that probably happening to you and Nicole as well.

Callum Bramley: Yeah! I tell my team all the time that you know people say there are no bad questions but they're just being nice there are some bad questions

Yu Teshima: Yeah I agree. Okay so if you don't mind, I will share my screen now. Can you see my screen?

Callum Bramley: Yes! That looks it looks pretty familiar! Yep! Great!

Yu Teshima: Yeah! So how, so I recently worked with the customers who are just starting onboarding as well. And he didn't have any like similar to your situation. He didn't have any on boarding structure per se and he was using the spreadsheet some couple case studies to read and going through the Zoom call training style. And yeah he was struggling with the performance gap as well.

So with using kite he was so happy that he could bridge those gap between reps and the onboarding actually shortened from like two weeks to five days. So that was big win for him. And can I ask how long does it take on boarding for your team?

Callum Bramley: Well we have sort of a 30 60 90 day plan by 90 days. I expect them to be fully ramped up and you know more or less meeting or coming close to hitting quota. The actual onboarding itself I want to keep it as low as possible. So I'd say it's a 30 day onboarding. Before they're on the phones or doing a demo if they're for an AE.

Yu Teshima: Sounds good! And it would be helpful if I can shorten that time for like fifty percent?

Callum Bramley: Yeah! If you can do that for me, then yes, yeah I'll if you can do that for me, I will pay list price. Let’s put it there!

Yu Teshima: Sounds great! Okay! So just to give you overview of how like typically my customer use Kiite. So first so this is the home page of Kiite and what's what our customer really like about guy is you can you know feature those playbooks. That will be super helpful for especially for you your new hires.

And I believe for this workspace we have like 20 plus playbooks. But that way for the end user side they can quickly access to the most important ones. So they don't have to waste time to look for resources and that actually increase the usage rate for the resources. How is it looking so far the first view of?

Callum Bramley: It looks good! One question that jumps to mind to me is when I sort of look at Kiite like the concept of it, it does resonate because it's something that I feel like is a gap for us you know just onboarding and a bunch of other things as well, product marketing. What it take to get started that's the thing? that worries me, there's a lot of information in your account here like how do I get to that point, how long is it going to take me, how much resource on my end is it gonna need!

Yu Teshima: That’s a great question! So we actually offer that template, so for example, the view that you're seeing right now, is an old template and you only need to fill those the inside. You know so you don't have to create everything from scratch and another great thing that our customers like is since you mentioned that you use a lot of spreadsheets, so can you see this link.

I just took the drive shareable link and embed it in the card, so you actually don't have to you know create anything from the scratch. You can rather use whatever you have and organize in the way that it's more visible and easy to find the relevant information. So I'd say, you know what, in ideal world, when would you like to get started?

Callum Bramley: I'd say, it's a pretty good question! I mean in an ideal world, ASAP, because we do have a cohort of new hires, that I'm hoping to have starting before the end of the year so they can hit the ground running from January. That’s so I'm hoping to have you know offers out to people from about maybe like a month from now. So you know ideal worlds ASAP, I would say.

Yu Teshima: Yeah! That's great!

Callum Bramley: You I gotta ask though got four minutes left before I do have to run and I want to you know be conscious of the time that you mentioned you were going to show me the analytics. So can we take a quick look at that?

Yu Teshima: Yeah! So this is an analytics. And what’s great about this is you can keep track of which resource has been used by who and how many times. So for the market at the product manager side that you mentioned he or she can track which resource has been the most utilized. So that way, you know the one issue that I keep hearing from those product managers are, they put so much effort into developing one. Great resource that nobody's using. So that could be frustrating right?

Callum Bramley: Yeah! That is exactly what our guy is saying.

Yu Teshima: Yeah! Exactly! So with this analytics you can mitigate that by seeing which resource has been the most useful for the team. And yeah it really improved yourself teams for productivity. How is it looking?

Callum Bramley: Yeah! This looks great! Could you be able to just send me like an image of this like in an email after in your follow up that you're going to send me just so I can show it to the product marketing person?

Yu Teshima: Yeah! Definitely! I can create the quick demo for this part for you! So you can just forward to your product manager.

Callum Bramley: Thank you!

Yu Teshima: Yeah! So we have three minutes and I promise that we're gonna speak about the next step. So based on what I see like I really see the great fit so far. And how are you feeling?

Callum Bramley: I would agree with that! Yeah! you know it's become a lot clearer to me now, we've walked through it there of how that might benefit onboarding, as I said, I've got a new cohort that I'm hoping to have offers out to in about a month from now.

Yu Teshima: Yes!

Callum Bramley: Can you talk to me therefore about you know pricing? How long an implementation would be? I want to get that true picture, before I you know make a decision one way or another here?

Yu Teshima: Great! So in terms of pricing, it's going to be 30 per month per user. And how many users are you thinking to have?

Callum Bramley: Well, by the time they start, so I think I'll probably have like 25 in total across the sales team in marketing. You know you said 30 per, is that built annually, build monthly, like what am I expecting to pay there?

Yu Teshima: Yeah! So 30 dollar is a bill monthly, but the contract will be the annual contract.

Callum Bramley: Okay!

Yu Teshima: Yeah and so I actually have a great news for you since you mentioned that you want to get this running as soon as possible and I understand that this is the first day of Q4 so we as a company wants to help someone like yourself to get an up and running and have a strong closure for the year. So I actually got approval from my manager that, if you were willing to move forward today.

I can offer you the free implementation team. I actually secured some team available for you specifically in case you'd like to move forward. And so that'll be free of cost. And also we can offer 20% off for the first month. How does it sound?

Callum Bramley: That’s pretty interesting! Yeah so again I need to take a look at it. Just to take a look, at the terms and get sort of approval from the top. But it does sound pretty compelling. I have to say.

Yu Teshima: So yeah great! Yeah, Callum, I don't want to keep you more than 15 minutes. So, I'm gonna end this pretty soon. But so let's do this, I'm gonna send you the contract and I'll also send you the demo for the analytic part that you can afford the product manager. And then we can have a call tomorrow. How about 11am? So you go over the contract.

Callum Bramley: Yes! I'd love to do that at ASAP. So 11am works well!

Yu Teshima: Yeah! Sounds great! So Callum, thank you so much for your time! I really appreciate it! And it was great having conversation with you and then actually gets to know you face to face you know, so yeah I hope you have a great rest of the day.

Callum Bramley: Yeah! Thanks a lot, Yu! Speak soon!

Yu Teshima: Bye!

Callum Bramley: Bye!

Joseph Fung: Nicely done! I've got 18 seconds left on my timer. I gotta say I'm impressed, everybody is letting these run and using every moment, they've got. That is really wicked. We have one competitor left. So a couple of minutes to get ready. Our judges are filling out notes. Yu you're out of the hot seat. You’re done up, you said you've got to send them a contract. So I guess I should give you the time to do that first. But how are you feeling?

Yu Teshima: That was fun!

Joseph Fung: There were some good questions in there and you rolled with them pretty well.

Yu Teshima: Thank you!

Joseph Fung: I see our judges, kind of getting final notes and scores in. We have our last competitor lined up, Omar, how are you doing? You all excited up?

Omar Okwandu: Oh yeah! I'm doing good! How are you doing?

Joseph Fung: It's good! You’re ready to bring it home you've seen everybody's A game. You know you got what's the words like the, anchor in the batting lineup. Right there.

Omar Okwandu: Yeah! Hopefully, I can clean up!

Joseph Fung: There we go!

Omar Okwandu: So that just started… how do…

Joseph Fung: We want to give our judges a few more moments just to make sure they've got their scores in. While we let them do that actually, I'll share kind of a couple of quick updates for everyone as we wrap up at the tail end. We’ll be sharing things like the date for our next demo day. But also a quick reminder, that next week we do have another shared session. For those who are joining us on YouTube, be sure to click that subscribe button down at the bottom to get notified because next week we have got a fantastic future of panel.

We’ll be digging into the idea of soft skills in sales. You know the differences between the things that we take for granted in sales discovery questions, managing your time, managing Zoom, but also some of those you know softer more ambiguous skills. So that's going to be a fun panel .everyone here is more than welcome to join us of course. We’ll be hosting that on Zoom, live streaming it on YouTube, so you can catch that there. I'm seeing judges looking up. So I think we're good with those scores and we're ready to move forward.

This is awesome! Omar, I've got 50 minutes back on my timer here. Quick reminder! If you could say what you're selling, who you're selling it to, and then you can get started right away. I'll be watching for that time. Hope you do too! Good luck with everything. It’s all yours!

Omar Okwandu: Thank you! I'm Omar. And I'm going to be selling Stack today. It’s takeoff software that construction companies use. And Callum, he's gonna be a construction company owner. Alright. Hey, Callum, how you doing? This is Omar from Stack.

Callum Bramley: Hey, Omar I'm pretty good. How are you?

Omar Okwandu: Hey, doing well! Doing well! Hey, Callum we're scheduled to have a 15-minute call today. Is now still a good time to meet up?

Callum Bramley: Yeah absolutely and it is just 15 minutes. I got unfortunately Omar, I gotta get back to the site. But I'm really interested to know what you guys are got to offer. And maybe help us out here.

Omar Okwandu: Absolutely! Hey, I understand I'm gonna stick to that 15 minute time so that you can get back to the site.

Callum Bramley: Thanks a lot!

Omar Okwandu: So I see that you're in the Toronto area. My neighbor, he's from Toronto as well. And he would tell me that I was a very rude person, if I didn't either ask about the raptors or ask how the weather is, if the raptors aren't in the playoffs anymore. Let me go ahead and go with the weather question. So how's the weather there?

Callum Bramley: Yeah nice! Swerve! I appreciate that! Yeah! the weather is beautiful! I gotta say it's perfect! You got like about a two-week window here, in October, where the weather is sort of not like really humid and hot and not snowing. So this is the good time to come visit.

Omar Okwandu: That’s great! That’s great! Well hey it's another sunny day here in Atlanta. And you know I'm just trying to stay bright as the sun as you can tell, right?

Callum Bramley: Yeah! I'm very, I'll give it a couple of months and I'll be so jealous of you.

Omar Okwandu: Yeah! No need! No need! Well Callum, the reason for our call today is to see if we can have a partnership between your company and mine today you know I like to see if you can see if our company not only resonates with you but also if it's a company that you think can help move your company forward just give me a simple yes at the end of the presentation and if not you know what part is friends. How’s that sound Callum?

Callum Bramley: Yeah! that's totally fair to me.

Omar Okwandu: Yeah! That's great! That's great! So I'd like to start by asking you a few questions what is your company structure? I know that you're based in Toronto and you have a pretty big company. How big is your company currently? And how is it structure?

Callum Bramley: Yeah! I mean from full-time employees, it's around 20 in total I would say! but we do you know with us being in construction, we work with a lot of subcontractors that I partner up with who will you know come into our sites and you know there's a bunch of them like plumbing, you know carpentry, roofing, that sort of stuff that we can't do ourselves. We’re just managing the sites and we do a little bit of the labor as well.

But mostly the on-site work is subcontracted out of the 20. They are you know myself, we've got project managers, we've got finance folks, it's a pretty common structure for a construction company.

Omar Okwandu: I got you got you. And of this organization that you have going on, how many estimators do you have in that group?

Callum Bramley: So we got one, we got one, which doesn't sound like a lot and we are pretty busy. You know so he’s actually, he's my son. So he works for works for me. He comes into the office and pretty much that's what he's doing day to day is takeoffs, so he gets those blueprints, he takes a look at him and we're trying to you know I might help him out sometimes if he's if he's super busy. But trying to get an understanding of what the job might cost before we you know get into it.

Omar Okwandu: Gotcha! I understand and how many takeoffs is he able to complete in a week's time or even a month's time.

Callum Bramley: Well it depends how much he's Slacking off. Right. That’s the thing. He’s my son. So I gotta you know I gotta keep an eye on him. Now he could probably get through I would say maybe like one every other couple of days, so maybe like 15 a month.

Omar Okwandu: 15 a month! That’s not bad yeah it looks like he's moving them out pretty good. How many jobs are you completing like in a month's time?

Callum Bramley: Completing! I mean completing maybe one a month but we are you know simultaneously. I gotta say like construction is pretty booming up here, in this area. So we tend to be pretty busy fortunately! You know touchwood! You know maybe like four or five simultaneously, working on projects.

Omar Okwandu: Wow hey that's good! You know I like to pause right here and just give you kudos. You know being able to stay open during this Covid 19 time. A lot of construction companies, as you know constructions up and down. A lot of them have fallen by the wayside. So for you to be able to stay open during this time, kudos to you.

Callum Bramley: Yeah thanks a lot man! Appreciate it!

Omar Okwandu: Absolutely! You know actually Callum, you remind me of a company that’s in that same area that we were able to help. It’s called GTO construction. They're a bigger company now but they started about the same size as you where they had the one estimator and we was able to be a solution for them and they were able to scale from one estimator up to about 14 now. So they've grown quite a bit.

And it was a, you know, a great company that we've been able to work with over the past year. And I would hope to do the same thing for you. You know our average customer actually is able to save about 70 percent amount of time. It takes to get out of take off to get together and take off and put out a bid while simultaneously, taking their business up 30%. Let me ask you, Callum, how would 30% more business help your bottom line?

Callum Bramley: Yeah! it would be absolutely terrible! No! That would be great obviously! Yeah!

Omar Okwandu: How many jobs ideally would you like to meet or how many jobs would you ideally like to bid per month?

Callum Bramley: You know what like I think; we're at a sweet spot right now, to be honest with you, just from a comfort level. I may take on a couple more. If we think it's necessary and you know we want to continue you know growing the business, but you know more sites, more projects, leads to more stress, more headaches, more sleepless nights.

So you know I'm one of those people that want to retire early and you know I think we're like I said at a pretty sweet spot right now. So it's not something that is a primary focus to me to take on more. It’s just how we manage the current the current one well.

Omar Okwandu: Got you! Hey listen, Callum, I would love to show you our software so that I can show you how you can be able to manage the projects you have with more efficiency and be able to get those estimates out very fast and be able to have more time so you can get a little bit of sleep before retirement, how does that sound?

Callum Bramley: If you could do that for me in 25 years, I'll come back and find you and thank you. Okay.

Omar Okwandu: Absolutely! Let me share my screen with you real quick and show you the software that we have. Can you see my screen?

Callum Bramley: I can yeah!

Omar Okwandu: Can you hear me okay?

Callum Bramley: Yep!

Omar Okwandu: Alright! So here's basically a blueprint that I took with my phone. And you know I was able to put into the software. The software that we have available right now is doing things that a lot of the competition isn't. And one thing that it does is, once you take a picture and you're able to put it in whether that's from your phone or your tablet or maybe even your computer, it's able to scale the project, to scale automatically.

So there's no more going out and having to you know write in the margins what the scale is going to be. There’s no more having to you know maybe fax over, what is going to be to your construction, superintendent or maybe even your estimator, everything is going to be the scale. And what that means for you also is that you're going to have very fast measuring. You’re not going to have to go back out to the job site and measure two three four times.

You’ll be able to do it very fast. So say you didn't do a drywall something like that. This wall right here it's a quick markup. We’ll take the dimension line here. Click! Like I said, scaling it's very fast we'll do it one to one. Just for you here, simple click drag! Double click! And we see right there that that wall is 12 feet 10.8 inches. Callum, how fast did I do that?

Callum Bramley: I didn't time, you but it's got to be less than a minute.

Omar Okwandu: Less than a minute! To go ahead and measure wall, again, this is going to save you a lot of time. So you can get that sleep, you're not going to have to go back out and you know to a job site back and forth, measuring the same wall, you're going to be able to do it in one shot from the blueprint, which is great!

Let me ask you this, Callum as far as communication goes how are you guys communicating what needs to be done or if you have notes on a blueprint? How are you currently doing it? Are you writing it or and scanning it? How are you doing it currently?

Callum Bramley: Yes! It’s a pen and paper process right now.

Omar Okwandu: Oh no! Oh no! It was like a headache. With our software, you know if you need to make a note of anything say you wanted to you know maybe tear this wall down, you would simply just click over here. Double click, man, cool simple as that so any notes that you need to put into the system, obviously our platform is web-based, so you can take it wherever you need to take it. Make changes whenever you need to make changes. And everybody will be on the same page.

Callum Bramley: That’s an interesting thought there so let me ask you, do you have a like an iPad app? Like a tablet?

Omar Okwandu: Yeah! So we do have an app that we would customize for your particular iPad with all the customizations that you like in there. And whenever we do customizations, they're, usually based on what trade you're doing. If you're doing multiple trades whether it's drywall or whether it's roofing, we can do that or even if you're a general contractor and you need all the trays put in there, we can do that as well.

Callum Bramley: Cool! Yeah! So this looks pretty good! Oh My Gosh! And I gotta run in five minutes. I would love to ask you before I hop off, are you able to shoot me a couple of people I can speak to about you guys just to see if it's you know, it looks nice and what I'm seeing on this screen just want to get an understanding of how they are using it and you know ask them a few questions, if you don't mind?

Omar Okwandu: Absolutely! I already have a list of that I made before this presentation and I'll be emailing to you right now. So you have that list you'll be able to speak to them. Do you have any further questions Callum?

Callum Bramley: So I would love to know you know we're Canadian company, if I needed to sort of give you guys a call and support, can I do that and where are they based?

Omar Okwandu: So we have a customer success team, that's we have one that's based in Atlanta Georgia and then we have another one that is actually based in, I believe, it's British Columbia. So you'd be able to speak to somebody in Canada and get everything you needed done.

Callum Bramley: So yeah, no offense. I didn't mean that, that I want to speak to an American, I just asking.

Omar Okwandu: No worries at all! No worries at all!

Callum Bramley: Alright! Well! I yeah I mean since we've got the time, you can just give me an idea of what it might cost to me you know again I'd love to hear in Canadian dollars if possible. Now, and do you build are you able to bill me in Canadian?

Omar Okwandu: Absolutely! With us having a base in Canada. We are able to do that. Let me ask you a question, Callum. Other than obviously the price of the terms is there any reason that we couldn't get you signed up with us today?

Callum Bramley: I mean, I might have to think about that. If I was to say no, what would you be able to come back with?

Omar Okwandu: Hey! You know I am able to give some incentive for you signing up with us today. You know I could probably go to that.

Callum Bramley: But so that would, I mean, I'll be honest, it'll depend on what that is. You know I've got a bit of a budget here. That I'm more than happy to sort of set aside for something like this, if it works out. Do you do something like if you were to get started now, am I able to sort of say you know three months down the line this ain't working and opt out what's that look like?

Omar Okwandu: You know I can actually get into that right now. You know, Callum you seem a little bit like myself you know obviously you like good deals but you love great deals. Am I right?

Callum Bramley: Yeah! I mean yeah that's how I've grown the company, I'll be honest. Is partnering with vendors who offer me great deals and I can trust them.

Omar Okwandu: Absolutely! So! Hey, listen I'll do our best to get you a great deal I'm gonna go over the pricing and then we'll go over the incentives that we have for today.

Callum Bramley: Okay cool!

Omar Okwandu: So we're a user-based platform. We for enterprise level, is going to be six thousand dollars and that's for five plus users and then we also have a starter level that's going to be for up to four users and that's going to be four thousand dollars, Canadian dollars.

Callum Bramley: Okay! Cool!

Omar Okwandu: Most of our customers they start with the four thousand dollar level and then they work their way up to the six thousand dollar level and they do this and we're able to grow with them as a company. You can choose the best!

Callum Bramley: Okay! Which means, definitely the cheaper one. I'll be honest and it doesn't sound like it's too out of the realm of possibility for me to just sort of consider that. So you talked about incentives, four thousand, what would that come down to if we were to do something today then?

Omar Okwandu: So if you were to work with us today. And go with our program I'm able to offer you monthly payments so instead of paying a 4000 dollars chunk of change, you can make you can split that over 10 monthly payments of only 400 dollars. I know that'll work for you want it.

Callum Bramley: Yeah I can make that work. You know that that sounds like a real fair deep fertile to me. So and if you're able to shoot that across me, I'll take a look at it and we’ll consider it today.

Omar Okwandu: Sounds good! I'm sending it right now. When can I expect to have it back, Callum?

Callum Bramley: So I gotta run to the site as I said in 40 seconds. But once I get back, you should be able to see where I've landed on that by the afternoon. I promise.

Omar Okwandu: Sounds good, Callum.

Callum Bramley: Alright!

Omar Okwandu: One more thing, Callum, welcome to Stack.

Callum Bramley: Alright! Yeah thanks a lot! I appreciate it! And thanks a lot for all your help!

Omar Okwandu: Thank you!

Callum Bramley: Okay! Thanks Omar!

Joseph Fung: Wow! Look at that I have 19 seconds left on my clock. I am amazed at how consistently everyone here has used every last moment available to them, well done. Omar, how you feeling?

Omar Okwandu: Good dood!

Joseph Fung: I think he offered a great deal there. He seemed pretty happy at the tail end there.

Omar Okwandu: Yeah I was in my mind going through like the deals that they offer and I was trying to figure out which one he wanted, which one would fit best, but I'm glad I was able to offer that.

Joseph Fung: Nice! So to all five competitors, great job! I saw some great demos, great job using stories in your demos asking discovery questions as you went through. You could see the judges and the audience reacting in the chats. Overall, great job there! We've got final notes and comments and scores being put in, so we've got a couple of moments before those are all wrapped up. But everybody, take a big sigh breath, pat yourself on the back great job. This is really awesome!

I love seeing all the growth advancement, you could see lessons from the classes and our guest speakers used throughout all the presentations that was super wicked. And all of these, these were really well done. I'm super pumped. And I'm super glad that I'm not a judge because that's hard. I'm watching the scores and the comments coming in and wow it’s there’s a lot of tight scores.

It is it is really tight in so many ways. Before we dig into the process of crowning a winner, our first step will be sharing some feedback from the judges. Callum, how are you doing on the scoring and the judging are you good to jump into some of the feedback?

Callum Bramley: Scoring's good! If the judges would like to speak to any individuals, there's a little checkbox for you guys as a reminder. I'm only seeing one right now, if you do want to speak to anyone, please feel free.

Joseph Fung: Right! So I see the final kind of comments coming in. and those checks coming through. Callum, how about you start us off with some of the feedback for the individual competitors and you can hand it off to individual judges as you see fit. I'll zip it from here and let you share some of the feedback and comments.

Callum Bramley: I think quite honestly, I, like I said at the start, I trusted this group a lot and I told them that quite consistently as their instructor and I think they did repay that faith. Very proud of them, all individually and as a group. And even you know Joseph just said its tough being a judge when there's that level of quality as an instructor it's very tough when you have to choose five, when you've got such a great group.

Right. There’s people today who didn't present who also did a great job last week in class. Individually today, just sort of taking a look at the scores here, I want to sort of shout out Noopur, individually as an instructor because the thing about, Noopur, that I love and I see today in her demo is, feedback from myself.

She’ll come to me, she'll give me a recording and say just rip it apart Callum and tell me what I can do better. And she's done that and she's implemented that into a demo flow today, in a final project, which is awesome to see. Sheila, I'm just going to pick on you, if you want to speak to Vanja.

Sheila Fung: Absolutely! Thanks, Callum! Wow! All of you. And Vanja, I just, that was incredible. I'm just remembering the first time you joined a cold call practice session in one of my classes and just the difference in terms of confidence level approach everything, I one the minute you said soy dogs, I went she totally did her research here because we were talking research rescue dogs and anyway it was great.

I love that you started out strong with a confident building of rapport and just diving right into the things you guys had in common. I wanted to highlight as just because this is a learning opportunity, room for improvement. The minute you started talking about the inner workings of non-profit and the things that your other customers have been seeing it was like your expert level went up a couple notches. Leading up to that point your tone of voice had a little bit of inflection towards the end that came across as a little bit of question marks because when the tone goes up like that.

It kind of comes across as like you're not quite certain of what you're saying, the minute you started talking detail, it was like that's what I'm looking for. So if we can pull that into everything you're saying just that confidence and just deliver it like that every single time. I loved your questions. I like that you were bringing up you know the social proof that I referenced there. Super helpful. I'm really proud of everything you've done over this course and just that was awesome Vanja. Really good work.

Vanja K.: Thank you so much!

Callum Bramley: Drew, do you want to chime in it? There’s a, it's quite a few people that you've given generous scores to, so you know more than happy to throw it to you.

Drew Williams: I felt bad last time. I was judging. I was giving consistent scores across the board but it seemed like it was lower so I was trying to be a little bit more generous this time around. But yeah first of all just overall it was yeah extremely well done and to Joseph’s point. I think on the last demo day we had a few go over and had to be cut off but it was like impressive that it was like three out of five, we're at 18 seconds and then there's another minute. So extremely good time management, because doing discovery, running a demo, closing in 15 minutes is not easy.

I try and keep when I'm doing some of my demos to 30 minutes and that's hard enough. So well done on the time management piece for everybody. Let’s go to Matt, yeah I think the agenda setting was awesome at the very beginning. I always liked the idea of asking them if they have anything else to add to the agenda. So that was big points for me. Let me also recap the previous conversation, at the very beginning and just kind of paused and just let Callum open up a little bit to, either give any comments or maybe he wanted to add a few things to the agenda.

So again that was nice to just kind of open it up at the very beginning. Yeah so here's a super high growth company and he did mention at the beginning he's like, yeah growth has some of its challenges. And I think that was an opportunity for you to kind of dig in a little bit more just especially when they say challenges.

It’s so broad and you might already know or have in mind what challenges high growth companies have with their sales teams. But digging in there and asking them what challenges and what specific challenges related to sales are you experiencing. And then also yeah you had some great questions along the way and I love the way that you controlled the conversation. That was definitely two thumbs up.

Matt Fairbanks: Thank you! I appreciate that!

Drew Williams: Yeah! No worries! I’ll, for Yu, I think that was again great yeah great rapport building at the start. That was great. Yu also was fun, I liked how you asked the recommendation for a coffee shop instead of just saying how's the weather. or this sort of thing kind of got Callum to stop for a second and just kind of get him out of his outcome, I mean here for a for a demo, kind of state of mind.

So that was that was nice you did a great job of setting very clear goals and agendas and I think one of the things that stood out for me was, you had a great agenda at the beginning with it which I think all the competitors had but then what you did was one step further before you jumped into the demo you set the table for the demo.

So you kind of recapped those two main pain points and those two main goals that Callum wanted to get out of it which was the onboarding piece and also the analytics. So it was nice to kind of set the agenda at the beginning and also set the agenda for the demo, so that you're both on the same page once you get them into that demo environment. Good job everybody!

Callum Bramley: Cool! I think lastly, we'll throw it to John to speak to Omar.

John Moon: Yeah! Everybody, you know, I just wanted to congratulate everybody for their awesome performance, great agenda setting, the very tight demos that you guys ran. It’s really incredible. 15 minutes and you accomplished a lot each of you. Omar, specifically, I you know you're that rapport building is incredible man.

That’s your voice just your cadence, when you're speaking, everything just is so smooth. And I really love that. That kudos that you gave, it felt really good, you know, just hearing that. So, I love that. At one point, I, you were talking some figures in terms of how you can help and then you mentioned the specific number 70% and then there was a very slight pause. I thought that was, I wasn't sure if that was intentional or Matt says it is but that slight pause, really felt good.

It really hit the nail on the head there. So really great presentation. Just a couple of bits in terms of where you might improve very nitpicky I would say. But you know when Callum asked about Canada you mentioned BC, you know, in my mind, BC is actually much further than Georgia, Georgia is in the same time zone as Toronto. So actually Georgia is just fine to me.

And then you know you said welcome to Stack at the end, I think Callum had been a little bit hesitant. I think he specifically said he needs to review it. So I know you wanted to put that in there, could have landed well or not so well. So but overall such an amazingly great demo. Really that rapport was amazing!

Omar Okwandu: Thank you!

Callum Bramley: Cool! So, Joseph, are we are we good to announce a winner at this point?

Joseph Fung: So yeah! I'm watching the scores and they've stabilized the comments. We're all in, I think we're good to announce the winner, right after we do that, ask everyone you know quick Zoom, applause, because that's always good and that's my favorite screenshot of the day. Then I've got a couple of housekeeping and we'll get you all out before the top of the hour. So Callum, if you'd like to share and crown the demo champion, the floor is yours.

Callum Bramley: Yeah! As we said right at the break, that the three early presenters were, scores were tight. Let’s put it that way, they continued to be tight throughout. So there was no clear winner, we do have a winner, but no sort of outstanding and an overall clear winner. I just want to get that out there because you've all done great. As we've just said, we don't have a drum roll because Joseph’s soundboard failed him. So without further ado the 2020-7 demo day winner is, Omar.

Joseph Fung: Omar, congratulations! Job well done! How are you feeling?

Omar Okwandu: I'm speechless! I don't know! I honestly when I was doing the demo, I didn't I mean speaking to people online as well. I didn't feel like I did that well when I was actually doing it. But you know just trying to make sure that I could you know get my best talents out there. So I appreciate everything.

Joseph Fung: That was great! It was a job well done! And I really want to underline. What Callum had said, you did an incredible job, but everyone did. Watching the scores roll in, this is my favorite part. Every month, these demo days are great, but this was tense. Those scores are really close. So looking forward to getting you the individual comments back, because I think you'll see where you all really excelled. So looking forward to sharing those.

For everyone, thank you for joining us I've got a couple of housekeeping things, so I'm going to quickly share my screen to take care of those points. First, what I'd like to highlight for everyone is, if you're joining us on Zoom or on YouTube, if you'd like an introduction to any of our grads, the folks who presented today or otherwise let us know we're happy to make those introductions, that’s an open invitation. So feel free to hit us up. For everyone here, I did already have several people on LinkedIn.

Hit me up on that so there’s a couple of an intro that I'll be in connections that I'll be making after this. For future demo days, if you'd like to get notified of the streaming details attend any of the events you can see at uvaro.com/demoday. You can sign up there to get a direct email notification, you can subscribe on YouTube. Our next demo day is coming up. It’ll be on Thursday November 5th at 12 PM.

So that'll be a lunchtime break, for folks if you'd like to join us. Of course, recruits, grads, you're all welcome to join us because that's a lot of fun. Like I said you know which questions to ask so it's always fun to have you in the chat too. We also have an event coming up next week 6 PM eastern. Will be on Zoom as well as on YouTube, The Future of: Sales Skills, we have a fantastic panel coming up. We have a CRO of a sales tech company; we have an extremely accomplished account executive who has one of the most exciting patches in enterprise sales. She’s got the San Francisco software patch.

So she sells to all of the fun high-tech companies that we see including some that were demoed today. So that'll be fun. And then we also have a managing partner from Dale Carnegie. One of the best names in most famous names in sales training and leadership training.

So that will be a very fun panel for all of those. What I'd also love to close off with is a big congratulations and a thank you. Congratulations to all of our competitors, everybody, who's graduating, you've got one more day of class and then you're all wrapped up.

This is only the start though. So don't worry, we're not letting you go. And then a big thank you for all of our guests and our judges. You know it's, we have the fantastic privilege of providing feedback every day in class on homework assignments, on projects.

But we can't run these without real practitioners giving us, then giving our competitors feedback and insights during every demo day. So to all of our judges, I’m sure I'm not alone. Our grads our students and our staff are all saying thank you.

So thank you very much for the time, your feedback is super helpful. And I can't wait to get your notes over to our students. So for those joining us on YouTube, we will be stopping the stream shortly for those in Zoom, we will be wrapping up the meeting at the tail end of it.

Before we close up our lead judge, Callum, do you have any closing comments or thoughts you'd like to share with the audience or your students?

Callum Bramley: I just want to sort of repeat the gratitude towards the judges, two hours out of the work there is a lot to give up to us. So we are you know eternally grateful for that as an instruction team. So Sheila and I for that continued support from our network to give up so much time for judging and the competitors themselves again. Just great job looking forward to digging into the feedback on that tomorrow with you guys as you.

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