Am I Really Falling Behind On My Sales Quota, Or Is Mercury Just In Retrograde

Just can't seem to hit your sales quota? Have you evaluated & looked into every reason? If you have looked into every single possibility on Earth and you still can't figure it out, you can probably blame it on Mercury.


Aug 23, 2022

We all have those days where life feels challenging, especially when we can't hit our sales quota — that's just part and parcel of life. But guess what? It’s okay to have bad days, and you’re never alone.

Let’s be frank; the last 18 months have been brutal on everyone to varying degrees. We’ve all endured a record number of stormy days since the pandemic started. And with things starting to open back up, meeting up with friends, attending parties, traveling (limited), and even working out in the gym is now no longer part of our daydreams.

But, with that said, the impact of COVID-19 will definitely be consciously or subconsciously, in our memory for a long time. The vague memory of hate-watching Netflix movies, calling your friends until you sleep, or maybe just eating too many pies? It will always hold a special spot at the darkest corners of our thought 😬 .

You aren't alone in this and that’s for sure. Nevertheless, we’ve all learned something new about ourselves in the past months. And looking forward, it is a great opportunity for us to utilize what we’ve learned to our advantage.

We can also collectively agree that having a healthy work-life balance has become ever more important in our lives as it has now almost become the norm to work 18 hours per day! We would recommend a healthy work-life balance for the following reasons:

1 - Health

Live your life with energy, positivity, and vigor. Many people, including popular comedian Kevin Hart, often say that health is wealth. Success leaves clues. Various hugely successful people, including Mark Cuban, Oprah Winfrey, and Richard Bransom, often say that keeping healthy has been a key factor in their success.

Did you know that over 70 percent of business leaders perform some type of exercise in the morning? Another 15 percent find sometime during the day to complete a workout regime. Mental & physical health is important for obvious reasons, so don't ever take it for granted. Do what you can to fully support your health to find your career success.

2 - It prevents burnout

Burnout in the workplace is common. If you're feeling yourself getting burnt out more often, you might want to rethink your current working regime. A grueling work ethic will bring you far in life, but don't forget to let yourself breathe & enjoy the journey!

While you might enjoy your success in the short term your mental health and well-being will ultimately pay the price. You don’t want that.

So work smarter, not harder.

You’re not alone. However, you can improve your work-life balance. That’s the most important thing.

3 - It will increase mindfulness

When you have a healthy work-life balance, you’ll increase your chances of being present. Mental health is critical if you’re looking to have success in your career. Unfortunately, even before the COVID-19 pandemic, almost one in five adults in the United States suffered from mental health issues. That's just in the United States alone! And that’s a huge problem.

On the other hand, mindfulness can help regulate our emotions, remove anxiety, remove stress, and help beat depression. Moreover, mindfulness can help us focus our attention on our goals and observe our feelings and thoughts without judgment.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, globally known for his acting & politics, is a huge proprietor of meditation. He used it during his younger days when he was suffering from anxiety due to his extreme work ethic. It has since worked wonders for him, and he was able to continue pursuing his Hollywood dream. So maybe it'll work for you too!

  • However, only 14 percent of Americans have attempted to meditate
  • But studies show meditation improves anxiety levels 60 percent of the time

Being present and mindful is super important. You shouldn’t let it slip. Take a break and regain your mindfulness.

Wait what does Mercury in retrograde mean?

When things go wrong for us, we often blame bad luck. But, of course, bad luck can happen to any of us. It’s something that can cause our companies to fail and our sports careers to end. Having said that, around three to four months per year Mercury goes into ‘retrograde’. This means essentially Mercury appears to go backward in its orbit.

Mercury rules intellect and communication, which means that with Mercury in retrograde, it can negatively impact your intellect and communication skills. And for those who study astrology, they often prepare themselves for extra messy communication mishaps during this time. During these four weeks, some people might feel as if they’re struggling to find the right words!

But when is the next time that Mercury goes retrograde? The answer is right now. The third Mercury retrograde started on September 27th. That’s in the middle of this year’s packed Libra season, lasting until October 18th. Did you know that Libra rules partnerships? (It’s a good job that it’s not Valentine’s day right now.) That’s why the third Mercury retrograde affects relationships the most. As a result, you’re likely to assess your relationships and where to invest your energy.

It’s a powerful time and a time of change.

So are you really falling behind on your sales quota because of Mercury going retrograde, or is there another problem?

Perhaps Mercury going into retrograde is your problem? Stranger things have happened (pun intended). We’ve just been through a global pandemic that has distanced us from our friends, our families, and made us work from home. If that can happen, anything can happen.

If someone had told you what happen in 2020 on New Years’ Eve 2019, what would you have said? You’d probably laugh and recommend that person became a Hollywood screenwriter (that was the kind option.) We would have probably done the same.

Having said all that, it could be something much more straightforward. Perhaps you’re feeling slightly jaded, you’ve been working too hard lately, you’re struggling with your mental health, or you’re ready for a career change? It could be any of these things.

Here’s our advice on what to do:

1 - List out what you feel

Our gut feeling can tell us so much. So, how do you feel right now? Grab a pen and paper and write it out! Most therapists recommend writing out exactly how you feel. It’s such a liberating feeling.

Here’s why writing down what you feel is so critical:

  • It will clear your mind, body, and soul
  • It will help to clarify your underlying emotions
  • You’ll get a record of your development
  • You’ll enter the unknown
  • It forces you to take action
  • You’ll feel a genuine sense of fulfillment
  • Writing down your thoughts gives you time and space to understanding deep-seated emotions
  • It allows you to tell your story

The reason you’re not hitting your sales quota at work could be any reason. Perhaps you’re not happy at home, maybe the product or service you’re selling doesn’t inspire you, or maybe you don’t have the right leadership? Either way, once you write it down — you’ll know exactly how to improve and go forward.

2 - What are your goals? List them and plan ahead!

It’s tough to achieve your goals when you don’t create a list and plan for them ahead. When boxers are training for huge fights, they work with the training team to create a game plan, a fitness regime, and a mental regime to prepare for the fight. Many boxers will write down their goals.

In addition, Hollywood movie stars don’t just turn up without preparing for a character. Almost all great actors will spend months writing their goals down before immersing themselves in their character.

So first, write down your goals. Second, use the law of attraction. Thirdly, create and execute a strategy. If you can do those three things, you overcome any negativity that life throws at you. Even if a planet from outer space is creating the problem. What’s more, write down precisely what you want your sales quota to be going forward!

3 - Find support from people around you

Your peers are the most important people when you’re facing any problems in life. You need to surround yourself with positive people in and outside of your workplace. There’s an excellent chance your supervisor can assist you with any problems hitting your sales quota. They should be able to analyze your current performance and see what the problem is.

Then again, you can always refer to forums on the internet, watch your favorite self-help gurus on the internet, or read your favorite self-help book. The answers are everywhere. Don’t let a blip in hitting your sales quota ruin your confidence. You could even work on your sales skills with an excellent sales course with people in the same situation as you.

Learn about Uvaro’s 4-week tech sales training program

Everyone has blips in their performance and may struggle to hit their sales quota. And sometimes, it’s completely unexplainable! So Mercury going into retrograde can probably explain it.

However, there's a great alternative option! Apply today for Uvaro’s new 4-week tech sales training boot camp, we can help you get through any blip! With the right support groups, training & resources, your blip can end up pushing you in a better direction.

When you apply for Uvaro, you will have the opportunity to upskill, meet incredible like-minded people, and learn even more about tech sales. Start your career in tech sales today for more opportunities in life following the continual boom of the tech industry.

Our career advisors can then help you find the perfect opportunity to propel you towards success in tech sales. Interested but have some questions? Feel free to contact us and have a chat.

Sales Training

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