3 Account Executive Skills You Need to Succeed in The Role

These are 3 Account Executive skills you need to get the job. Learn more about developing your soft skills and managing client relationships.


Nov 18, 2022

You've most likely considered the Account Executive skills required for a successful career. Especially if you're diving into sales for the first time. Account Executives are the rainmakers of the business world. They're the ones who bring in new clients. Which is the lifeblood of almost all tech businesses.

While there is no 'one-size-fits-all' approach to being a good Account Executive. To be successful in this role, you need a unique blend of skills — ranging from interpersonal to technical. You'll be building rapport, understanding complex products, and navigating difficult conversations with several key personas.

The right skills will help you execute various roles. This piece will focus on 3 essential account executive skills and the subskills that fall under them. How they can help you with your Career Success? Read on to learn more about what it takes to be a successful Account Executive.

3 Account Executive Skills you need to succeed in the role. 1. Closing Techniques. 2 - Communication. 3 - Relationship Management.

1. Closing Techniques

Account executives are responsible for generating new business. This means they need to be excellent at negotiating and sealing the deal. Closing is a make-or-break moment for any sale. It’s the decisive step that determines whether you win the business or not.

You need to choose the right closing technique to get that contract signed. Some of the proven techniques that you can use include...

Summary Closing

Reiterate the items that the client showed interest in. You should emphasize the benefits of using the item or its value.

The goal is to get the potential client to see that your product is the best solution to their problem. Summarizing the product features into a single impressive package will help prospects visualize how your product can help them.

Now or Never Closing

The now-or-never close is a high-pressure closing technique that you should only use as a last resort. Typically this is done under the direction of a manager or executive towards the end of a quarter. This strong and direct approach tells the prospects they need to make a decision NOW. They won't want to miss out on the opportunity altogether.

This closing technique aims to create a sense of urgency. You want prospects will make a quick decision. The technique is likely to work because you have the prospect's undivided attention. They know this is their last chance to get the product.

Question Closing

Question closes are a very effective way of getting prospects to make a decision. In this technique, you focus on asking the prospect thought-provoking questions. It's in the name. These help them develop a desire for your product and reduce objections. For instance, you can ask them whether your product solves their problem or not. What happens if they do nothing?

The goal of the question is to get the prospect to think about how your product can help them. Doing so makes you more likely to get them to agree to your offer, as they answer their own objections for themselves.

Closing Techniques.

Assumptive Closing

This technique assumes that the prospect has already agreed to buy your product. This is useful when you’ve already overcome most objections. The prospect is leaning towards saying yes. The goal of the assumptive close is to get the prospect to commit to your offer.

With this technique, you act as if you've already made the sale. For instance, you can say, When would you like the product delivered?" By doing so, the prospect would have to completely contradict you to say no. If a client is thiiiiiiiiiis close to saying yes, then this gets the ball rolling on a signature.

'Sharp Angle' Closing

Prospects will likely ask you for add-ons and price reductions. They often expect as much. You can use the sharp angle technique at this point to catch them by surprise.

For instance, suppose they ask for a 10% discount. You can give them the discount they want but add an extra condition. Signing the contract within 24 hours is a common one. Using this technique, you can still get what you want while giving clients what they want. It's a win-win for both of you.

2. Communication

You NEED to be an excellent communicator in any sales position. Account Executives communicate with clients, co-workers, and upper management daily. Communication is an essential soft skill for building relationships, developing trust, and closing deals.

Active Listening

As an AE, you'll meet with clients to discuss their needs and wants. To understand them, you need to learn to listen and show them that you have heard their needs. This means focusing on what they're saying and not letting your mind wander. It also means repeating important statements back to the client to make sure you've understood them.

"What I hear you saying is that you..." is a great way to start off.

It's also important to ask questions. Clarify anything that you don't understand. Asking questions also shows that you're interested in what they're saying. It's another form of active listening.

Written Communication

You'll also need to be able to communicate in written form. This includes being able to write clear and concise emails. It may even include creating visual presentations and PowerPoints.

When writing emails, make sure that you are efficient in getting to the point. Use short sentences and avoid using jargon. When creating presentations, focus on making them visually appealing. Use charts and graphs to illustrate your points, and don't overdo it with the text. Keep slides short and sweet.

Account Executive Skill: Communication

Verbal Communication

This is the primary way you'll communicate with clients. Remember to use phone etiquette, and speak at a speed and tone that your client can understand. Accessibility is as important when speaking as it is with written language.

  • Practice beforehand
  • Strive for clarity, simplicity, and efficiency
  • Be aware of your tone, volume, and pitch, and use all 3 for emphasis when needed
  • Avoid filler words such as "Um," or "Like" but do not sacrifice expression or clarity to avoid them. They make us sound human!
  • If possible, use gestures and facial expressions to emphasize your points

If you want to excel at your job, it's important that people can understand what you're saying. So make sure when addressing clients, intentions and product capabilities are clear and you follow through with everything promised. If all these points are met then great progress has already been made!

Developing Rapport

Rapport means establishing a good relationship with clients. It's important to remember that people do business with those they know, like, and trust.

One of the best ways to build rapport is to find common ground with the person you're talking to. This could be anything from having the same interests to being from the same area.

You should be genuine and authentic when communicating with others. People can usually tell if you're faking it, which will only get in your way. People are looking for connection in every conversation they have. Give them the opportunity to jive with you!

3. Relationship Management

How you relate to your clients will determine whether they want to do business with you. This is why relationship management is one of the crucial Account Executive skills. You want to create strong partnerships and interpersonal relationships with your company's clients.

Developing better relationships means looking beyond product sales and financial transactions. It's about nurturing a long-term relationship that will result in greater customer loyalty. You're setting the rest of your team up for success later on in the sales cycle. And they will be SO grateful you did.

Stay in Touch

Any relationship is not a set-it-and-forget-it type of thing. Think of it as a plant that you need to keep watering and fertilizing to make it grow. You must communicate with your clients on a regular basis. Keep the relationship strong.

The best way to do this is to take action and reach out to them, whether it's through a phone call, email, or social media. It's also important to respond quickly to their inquiries and concerns.

As an Account Executive, you'll find times when you sell to the same connections over and over as you, and they, move to different roles and organizations. This is why networking and relationship building is so important for sales roles.

Be Clear

The message you deliver to your clients and prospects should be crystal clear. The first place to start is by making sure YOU know exactly what it is you want to say. They should understand what your company is selling and the benefits of working with you.

If you're unclear about what or why you're offering, it will only frustrate your clients. And it can come across as you just wanting to sell to them. This will damage your relationship with them and make it difficult to sell to them in the future.

Relationship Management

Maintain Consistency

Consistency is key in any relationship, whether personal or professional. Be consistent in how you communicate and interact with your clients. How will you convince them to trust you if you keep flip-flopping on your intentions or values?

Keep your promises and follow through on your commitments. This will show your clients that they can rely on you to solve their pain points.

Develop Your Interpersonal Skills

Your interpersonal skills are as important as your technical skills. Your job needs you to interact with various people inside and outside of your team.

Emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, and negotiation are key here. The best thing about interpersonal skills is that you can learn them and foster them. So don't get discouraged if you don't have them yet. We even offer workshops to get you there.

Develop the Right Account Executive Skills with Uvaro

Becoming an account executive is a great way to further your career in sales and marketing. All you need is a combination of the right Account Executive skills. Start with the main 3 outlined in this article. If you need help to achieve Career Success as an AE, Uvaro is your go-to educational program.

Account Executive

For 7 weeks, work with seasoned pros to learn the knowledge and skills you’ll need to excel as an account executive. Throughout the course, you will discover advanced full-funnel sales techniques, build your deal closing toolkit, and experiment with the technical and organizational tools needed to achieve successful account handoffs.

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We provide lifelong career support. You can be confident that you have the skills you need to succeed throughout your entire career. Apply now for our new Account Executive course for resources that put YOU in control of your career path.

Download Uvaro’s Career Success Catalog to learn more about how Uvaro helps with Account Executive skills.

Account Executive (AE)
Sales Training
Skill Development

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