
Benefits of Taking a Break: Make the Most of Your Time Off

Learn the benefits of taking a break from work. Discover the physical and emotional value of taking time off and learn how to book vacation time guilt-free.

taking a break or vacation

Jul 19, 2023

In today's rat race of a work environment, the benefits of taking a break can seem like they don't outweigh the costs. And finding the perfect opportunity to book PTO can feel about as likely as winning the lottery.

But fear not, my overworked friend! The benefits of taking a break are not just a mirage in the desert of your desk. In fact, research suggests that taking a break can be the key to unlocking Career Success.

Working day in and day out can leave you feeling drained, unproductive, and unmotivated. You're bound to hit a wall sooner or later.

By taking time off, you give yourself the opportunity to recharge, refocus, and come back to work with a fresh perspective. Whether it's taking a vacation, spending time with loved ones, or taking up a hobby, time away from work can do wonders for your mental health and well-being.

Having time to recharge and refocus is one of the great Benefits of Taking a Break.

The benefits of taking a break don't just stop there. By stepping back from work, you also open up the opportunity to learn new skills, build new relationships, and gain new insights.

Taking a break can give you the chance to pursue passions and interests outside of work, which can ultimately help you become a more well-rounded and fulfilled individual. Plus, it's a great way to avoid burnout and keep your motivation and creativity flowing.

I’m hoping that by the end of this article, I’ll have convinced you to book that vacation and turn your phone to silent. So let’s dive in.

Signs you need a break

Recently, I've usually been pretty good at recognizing when I'm burning out and need to take a break from work. But what I've learned, is that you actually shouldn't be reaching that point before you take time off.

Your vacation days are a tool to prevent burnout, not recover from it.

I know I'm burning out when I start to feel like my brain is on overdrive and my ideas just aren't landing. Sometimes I get frustrated and agitated when I'm trying to do something that's usually easy.

I'm also more prone to procrastination and giving up on tasks altogether. If I find myself feeling like I'm in a constant state of exhaustion, I'm waaaaay overdue for a day off. It's time for a break.

These are some early signs that you might be heading toward burnout and need to book time off ASAP:

  • You're daydreaming about the beach while typing out emails.
  • You're refreshing social media every 5 minutes during work hours.
  • You find yourself snacking often and not even really enjoying it.
  • You're looking up vacation spots on your lunch break.
  • You constantly check the clock to see when it’s time to log off.
  • You feel more frustrated than usual, at yourself or others.
  • You're having trouble focusing on tasks and are making more mistakes than usual.
  • You're feeling the Sunday scaries... or worse, the Monday blues.
Not stressing about when to log off is one of the Benefits of Taking a Break!

Benefits of taking a break

You have time to rest and recharge

I want to start by saying that rest is not a privilege, it's a necessity. So when you're planning time off for the quarter, make sure you have 2 kinds of breaks: Ones for rest, and ones for fulfillment.

Not only does taking intentional time off to rest give you a chance to sleep and turn off your racing mind, but it also gives you the opportunity to form new wellness habits.

Whether you're taking a few days off for an extended weekend or a weeklong vacation, taking time off from work can be a great way to renew and replenish your energy while setting up systems to prioritize your health when you return.

Trust me, your body and mind will thank you!

You can reconnect with your support network

At Uvaro, we always talk about the importance of fulfillment in your community. PTO is an opportunity to catch up with those you care about, share stories, and make memories.

Having strong relationships with family and friends can provide emotional support and honestly, a place to forget about your job altogether. They can help you to feel more grounded and connected, which can lead to increased productivity and creativity at work. This obviously contributes to a healthy work-life balance, which is critical for overall well-being.

Being able to reconnect with your support network is one of the Benefits of Taking a Break!

Connecting with friends and family can have a positive effect on your Career Success in a bunch of ways. Having a strong support system and sense of belonging can give you the encouragement and guidance you need to stay on track toward your goals.

And not to encourage you to work on your break, but socializing can help to keep you in the loop about industry trends, news, and opportunities. It’s also a great way to make new connections, which can help you to advance in your career.

You can pursue your passions and hobbies

Career Success is experiencing financial health and work you enjoy while feeling fulfilled in your peer community and life choices. This means your passions outside of work are equally as important as your Career.

Carving out consistent and dedicated time to pursue hobbies and interests that do not directly contribute to your career goals cannot be undersold. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve felt despondent at work and then 20 minutes of reading a good book completely turned my day around.

I like to call PTO dedicated to these kinds of projects my "Silly Sabatical” when describing these to friends. Whether you’re more in tune with your passions and consider them a side hustle, or you just want to play around with crafting supplies, your "Silly Sabbatical” time is essential for your fulfillment and contributes to your overall happiness.

Tap out before you burnout

So the next time you find yourself drowning in deadlines, remember the benefits of taking a break. It may seem like you're putting your career on hold, but in reality, you're doing yourself and your professional aspirations a huge favor.

So take a breather, enjoy some downtime, and get ready to come back to work better than ever. And if you need help planning a balanced schedule and booking time off, a Career Coach can help you as you deal with the complexities of that! Your Career Success relies on it.

Download our Career Success Catalog and learn how we can help you stay balanced for a more fruitful work experience.

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