
How to Achieve Career Success On Your Own Terms

Want to reach Career Success, but don't want to follow the status quo? Check out these tips for achieving success on your own terms!


Jan 18, 2023

Reaching your goals is only satisfying if you reach Career Success on your own terms. If you're reading this, chances are you aren't satisfied with your current career.

Maybe you're stuck in a dead-end job with no room for growth. Or maybe you're working long hours for little pay and feeling burnt out. Whatever the case may be, you know that there's got to be more to life than this… and you're determined to find it.

Where do you even start?

The first step is understanding that Career Success isn't only about making a lot of money. Sure, a high salary is nice, but it's not the be-all and end-all of happiness. Studies have shown that after a certain income, more money doesn't mean satisfaction. So what does?

Some factors that you may want to consider when thinking about what you need…

  • Are you looking for more responsibility?
  • Do you want to feel like you are making an impact?
  • Do you need more flexible hours?
  • Are you in need of a higher income?
  • Do the people who you work with align with your values?
  • Do you believe in the company's mission?

Career Success on your own terms

The key to achieving Career Success is finding a balance between 3 important factors.

  1. Compensation
  2. Fulfillment
  3. Alignment

Let's break each one down so you can start assessing your own career situation.


Obviously, you should receive fair compensation for your work. But salary is only one part of the equation. There are many other factors to consider.

Things like benefits, job security, and opportunity for advancement. If you feel like you're being underpaid at your current job, then it might be time to start looking elsewhere.

Interested to learn tech sales salaries in 2022? We got you covered:


Achieving Career Success on your own terms means finding a job that you enjoy. If you dread going to work every day, it's only a matter of time before burnout sets in. So think about what kinds of activities make you lose track of time and get lost in the moment.

Chances are there's a way to turn those passions into a career. And if there isn't, there's nothing stopping you from creating your own job!

A career change can feel daunting, but it doesn't have to be. Seek out the resources you need if you're losing the spark. You should find excitement in your work. It isn't your failure if you can't anymore, but it is your responsibility to reignite your passion.


Find a job and community that aligns with your values and goals in life. This is especially important if you want to find long-term career satisfaction. Because even if you love your job and are being paid well, it won't matter much if it doesn't align with who you are as a person. Or the people around you ask you to compromise who you are, or dull your shine.

Let's say you're an animal lover who has always dreamed of working with animals in some capacity. But instead of pursuing that dream, you end up working for a major corporation. They have built their business model on exploiting animals for profit.

This can make you miserable on a day-to-day basis. It will also make it very difficult for you to achieve your long-term goals in life. Why would you want to meet quotas and help a company that is the antithesis of what you stand for?

3 Tips For The Journey Towards Career Success

1. Pick the right path

Achieving Career Success on your own terms requires you to pick the right career path FOR YOU. This may seem like an obvious statement, but it's one that far too many people overlook.

If you want to be successful you need to choose a field that interests you. And one that offers opportunities for growth. In a job that's just not right for you? Asking the following questions can help you 'Uncover Your Why', and lead you down the path right for you.

2. Set your goals

Once you've chosen your path, it's time to set your goals. Shoot for the stars, but be realistic about what you can achieve in the short-term. It's important to have long-term goals in mind too.

That being said, if all your goals are years away, you're likely to get discouraged along the way. Set smaller goals that you can achieve in the next year or two. These shorter-term goals will help keep you motivated. Especially as you work towards your larger ambitions.

3. Find work-life balance

No matter what field you choose, there will always be competition. To set yourself apart from the rest, you need to be willing to work hard and put in extra effort.

But don't forget to enjoy yourself along the way! Find ways to find joy in the work that you're doing, even when it's challenging. When you love what you do, it won't feel like work at all.

And take time to be yourself. Striking for a healthy work-life balance is essential to fight burnout and staying motivated.

Define Career Success on your own terms with help from Uvaro

If your compensation, fulfillment, or alignment is off kilter, it'll be very difficult to find long-term satisfaction in your work life... no matter how much money you're making. So take some time to assess your current situation and see where things need to change.

And if you need some help? Book time with a Career Coach and see if it’s time for you to make a change.

Download our Career Success Catalog today to see how Uvaro can help you reach your goals.

Career Success
Career Coaching

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