How To Achieve Work-Life Balance? 5 Tips To Help You Start!

Struggling to achieve work-life balance? Here are five critical steps that can help you achieve it and improve your overall productivity.


Nov 18, 2022

In our fast-paced world, it's more important than ever to find a healthy work-life balance. Especially when it feels like we're tied to our phones. But what does all this actually mean? And how do actually achieve work-life balance?

Work-life balance is a term that gets thrown around a LOT these days. The importance of it echoes through every meeting and work event. In short, it's pretty self-explanatory. It's about leaving work at work, and home at home. The hope is that in doing so you'll be able to use your work to fuel you instead of drag you down. And you'll be able to rest and replenish yourself to avoid burnout.

Burnout is a state of exhaustion that can wash over you when your life becomes unbalanced in the favor of work. Do you find yourself neglecting home duties or self-care to meet deadlines and quotas? If so, you may be on the road to burnout.

How to achieve work life balance.

On the opposite side, poor work performance can be a symptom of too much hard play and not enough hard work. Sometimes life can get overwhelming. How can you put systems in place to make sure work is a priority but not your ONLY priority?

Today, we're going over 5 steps to help you find a work-life balance in the modern workplace.

1. Figure out what achieving work-life balance means for YOU

To achieve work-life balance is different for everyone. For some, it might mean disconnecting when they're not at the office. For others, it might mean taking on a reduced workload! Working part-time or on an adjusted schedule to make time for family or other passions. The key is to figure out what works for YOU and then build your career around that.

In a long-lost viral TikTok that has been repurposed into a Pinterest post, a career coach outlined the main things to look for when finding your life’s purpose(s). Make a list under each of the 4 main categories: what you’re good at, what you love, what you can be paid for, and what you feel like the world needs. See where they intersect.

Pay attention to, and honor the bottom half of this diagram. Things like hobbies, volunteer work, and your passions shouldn’t be ignored for the sake of your job or career.

All of these things are part of achieving Career Success. Fuelling your career with your passions and talents IS what turns a job into a career. Regardless of the imminent threat of burnout, know that your home life keeps your work life interesting. They’re symbiotic so take the time to honor both.

2. Set boundaries—and stick to them

It's important to set boundaries and communicate them to your boss and co-workers. This might mean setting firm limits on after-hours emails. It may also mean refusing to take calls on weekends. Whatever it is, make sure you're clear about your expectations and then stick to them.

If you feel like taking a break won't help, then read the science. You are actually more productive if you take frequent breaks. Downtime has a purpose. It gives your brain a chance to reset and absorb everything you've learned in a day. And if you're working, you're learning.

Moving back to home mode can give your body and mind the break it needs to tackle problems at work. It's like doing a tabletop puzzle. Something may not fit anywhere until you walk away and come back to it. The same goes for work.

So fight for your away time — with clarity and kindness, of course.

3. Learn to say "no"

Saying no can be hard. Especially when you're worried about disappointing someone or seeming like a slacker. But if you don't learn to say no, you'll find yourself overwhelmed and burned out. I'm not saying you should say no over and over again to everything. That's not conducive to productive work, nor is it kind to your teammates. But knowing your boundaries, as I mentioned, can be very rewarding.

Next time your boss asks you to stay late or take on a new project, try responding with something like...

  • "I'm happy to help out where I can, but I also need to respect my own time so I can do my best work."
  • "I'm away from my desk this week for vacation, but I'm happy to dedicate time to this when I return."
  • "I'm not sure if this task is best suited for my skill set. I know that X's role is more aligned with the kind of work you're asking for."
Learn to say 'No' to help with work life balance.

4. Take care of yourself both physically and mentally.

Beyond work, taking care of yourself is crucial to living your best life. Mental and physical self-care is vital to put you in a headspace to make those tough calls. You can't set a boundary if you're unwell, and nourishing your body, getting enough sleep is just the start.

Making sure to spend time outside — yes, even in the winter — and even gentle exercise can be a game changer. For many people meditation, yoga, or breathing exercises help. Apps like Headspace can help you find mindfulness throughout your day. They even offer short meditations on mindfulness at work or on breaks.

If you're struggling, programs like First Session can help pair you with a mental health professional that is most aligned with your goals. There are also free resources in many cities for those who need urgent help, regardless of income or budget. Many therapists and counselors offer sliding scale rates as well to meet you where you’re at.

Those appointments aren't the only ones to keep either! Make sure you take advantage of workplace health benefits — if you have them — and keep up-to-date with your doctors and dentists. Carving out time for check-ups and check-ins is as important as eating 3 meals a day.

5. Find a supportive community

Community is the foundation for Career Success. Work-life balance is yours to define, but you don't have to do it alone. One of the best things you can do is find a supportive community — both online and offline.

Your community can be whomever you want. For some, it's a group of friends who understand what you're going through. For others, it's a Facebook group of fellow hobbyists who can help them take their minds off their job. Many Uvaro members, turn to coaches or peers to help them think through important changes.

No matter where you find your people, you can lean on them. Advice, moral support, and even practical steps are only a phone call or Slack message away. Help your community guide you through that work-life balancing act. Often they'll pull or push you in the right direction.

Achieving Work-Life Balance Is A Journey

Work-life balance looks different for everyone. By reflecting on these 5 steps, you can live a happier and healthier life. Remember that you are in the driver’s seat. While boundary-setting and taking time away can feel daunting, it's better for you. Not only that, it's actually in your employer's best interest.

So be kind to yourself and approach yourself with the same empathy and grace as you do others.

Don’t know where to turn?

Need some help on your journey to achieve work-life balance?Some people find it helpful to seek career coaching to help them navigate difficult conversations at work and help them achieve work-life balance. Uvaro takes this a step further. Not only do we offer career-long support, but we also have a wide community of members just like you who can help.

Whether you want to take a workshop or change careers entirely, we're here for you. Check out our Career Success Catalog to see how we can fit into your work-life network.

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