5 Common Sales Misconceptions: I Won’t Make It In Tech Sales Because…

People often think that they won't be able to do something before they even try it. Sales is no different. There's common sales misconceptions that you must have a particular type of persona, and we're here to tell you that's simply not true.


Aug 23, 2022

People often think that they won’t be able to do something before they even try it. Sales is no different. How many times have you said "I’d be no good at sales, I’m not confident enough" or "I’m not pushy enough to work in sales"?

There are common sales misconceptions that you must have a particular type of persona and that every single salesperson must sell in the same way.

We’re here to tell you that it’s simply not true. There is no one size fits all approach to sales reps anymore, each has their strengths that they play too. And after seeing countless recruits graduate from our program and thrive in their sales roles, we're in a unique position to shed some light on this topic.

Behold, the common reasons why many think they wouldn’t make it in sales…and an explanation as to why they're sadly mistaken.


I’m Not A Tech Guru

Honestly,you don’t need to be! Your expertise in tech doesn’t determine how good of a salesperson you can be. Some people are brilliant at sales and sell things every day that they know very little about.

Would you expect the sales associate in a clothing store to be an expert in everything about clothes? Your barista doesn’t know everything there is to know about coffee.

Not a tech guru at work.

What isinfinitely more importantthan knowing the ins and outs of every product is theability to create and nurture a human connection. People buy from salespeople that they feel they cantrustand that theylike.

I Don’t Know How To Code

Arguably one of the most common sales misconceptions is a myth that we need to dispel right now. You don’t need to know how to code to work in tech sales. We can say that again louder for those in the back if needed. You don't need to know how to code to be in tech sales!

Code free zone. Only sales.

It’s not required that you know every single product inside out to be able to sell it. In fact, that’s probably an unrealistic expectation.

Is it beneficial to you to know how to code? Sure! Especially so if it is your goal to become a sales engineer.

At the beginning of your journey, it is integral that you get the core basics of sales nailed down. This is why we’re here. We’re here to help bring your sales skills up to scratch. Once you’ve got that right,everything else is just an added benefit.

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I’m Not Pushy Enough

This is another common sales misconception.Not only do you not need to be pushy, but it’s also actually sometimesbetterto not be.Nobody wants to feel like they have been railroaded into buying something they didn’t really want.

The best salespeople are the ones who canmake a customer feel like they haven’t been sold to.The world of sales has changed a lot over the years. It is not about being the loudest person in the room anymore.Lots of the old tricks people used to use in selling have not only become redundant but certain tricks of the trade” are just not good practice anymore.

Pushy car sales person.

Try changing your mindset away from simply trying to sell things.If you instead ask yourself the questionwhat problem can I solve for this person?”You’ll feel so much better about what you’re doing.

You’ll go from selling things to helping people and you’ll feel great about doing it.This can be a difficult thought process to change but we’ll help you to do this here at Uvaro.

I Don’t Know Anyone In The Field

No doubt you’re familiar with the expression it’s not what you know, it’s who you know.”It’s true, that works…sometimes.Do you know what else is true?We are all new to tech at one point or another.

When you’re starting out in tech, the best thing you can do is to find a community of people who will support you along the way.You can find that here at Uvaro.

What it feels like when you don't have any contacts in your chosen field.

Not only will we help you to find the role that you’ve been searching for, but you’ll also do it with a community of like-minded people behind you.

People who are all at the same point as you, facing the same challenges as you.A community that will cheer your successes and supports your struggles.Use the community to build yourself and each other as you grow in your journey.

I’m Not Passionate About Tech

Tech is so much more than just computers.Every single industry uses some form of tech to different degrees.No matter what your background, or your interests,there is going to be a place for you.We just have to find it.

When there is no passion for tech.

For example, if you are passionate about healthcare and healing people…there is the MedTech industry.If your passion is education and helping people learn, there is the EdTech industry.

We can help you to find the area of tech that you are best suited to and that you will enjoy the most.

Let us encourage you to find your why” and help guide you into an industry that will both serve you and help you to find fulfillment in your work.

Uvaro can help

Still don’t think you have what it takes to make it in sales? We hope that we’ve taken apart these common sales misconceptions and shown you that, no matter what you think,you do have what it takes.

There is a place in tech sales for everyone, no matter what your passion or area of expertise.And we can help you get there.

Join our community of like-minded people here at Uvaro and embark on your new career in tech sales today. There has never been a better day to kick those common sales misconceptions that are stuck in your head to the curb, and we're here to help with that!

Tech Sales
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