
How to Love Your Job (Even If It's Not Your Dream Job)

You too can learn how to love your job. Whether you're looking for motivation or fulfillment in your career, check this article out!


Nov 18, 2022

Staring at the clock on the wall, wondering if today is the day when you learn how to love your job? If so, I’ve been there.

It was 5 to 5, and I found myself in an all-too-common scenario: I had to populate an Excel spreadsheet full of sales numbers. The deadline was looming, my anxiety was rising, and I wondered out loud what I was doing.

This particular one was a beast. I stared at hundreds of empty rows and columns. All were awaiting the inevitable dance of copy and paste that was to come. My co-workers signed out of their computers and started putting on their jackets to leave. I was still holding down Ctrl + C like it was my job.

Because it was.

I was still holding down Ctrl + C like it was my job. Because it was.

For a little while, at least. I was the newest member of a technical writing team. And it was a lot more administrative work than the job description had let on... 9 hours each day of mindless busy work. I was filing papers and answering phones.

It was my job to call the sales team to adjust profit margins before sending out proposals. And when I called, they were usually playing golf on the coast somewhere beautiful. I was stuck behind a desk in the middle of North Carolina. I was thousands of miles and years away from the professional life I coveted.

It took me a while to find my groove, but I’m happy to say I’m now in a job that challenges, excites, and inspires me daily. The path to get here might not have been linear — or quick — but it wasn’t miserable. Instead of staring out the bleak corporate window, I learned to channel all that restless energy into cultivating a life I loved even if I was in a job I didn’t.

There’s no secret formula to reaching career success, and I can’t promise it will happen overnight. But, once you start finding contentment outside of those office walls, the world opens up. It also becomes easier to rewrite your story and get on the right career path, wherever that might lead you.

How did I do it and how can you learn how to love your job, too? Let’s take a quick trip back to 2008 and start at the beginning.

Set a Realistic Mindset

When I first started this job, I had preconceived notions of what it would entail. I was fresh out of college, and I saw the working world through gilded, rose-colored glasses. All my life, people told me that as long as I found a job that I loved, I’d never work a day in my life.

When it wasn’t what I thought it would be, I was crestfallen. Having expectations ruined is a loss that I didn't yet have the resources to manage.

I also felt stuck.

That’s when I decided to change my mindset. I had been viewing this one entry-level job as the end-all, be-all pinnacle of my career. Then, I accepted it for what it was: a stepping stone.

Are you stuck? Or is it just your expectations?

Yes, the coffee may have been bland and the 80s-era interior uninspiring. I didn’t love the actual work and had little in common with my co-workers. But, I was gaining valuable experience, and building my resume. I was making myself more marketable for the next big opportunity that came along. I knew what I wanted for my career but through this shift, I was able to find what I wanted for this job. Then the next, and so on.

When I started looking at each job in that way, I became less annoyed with it and more thankful for it. I began looking for ways to apply my talents and set myself up for success.

For me, this meant leveling up my knowledge. I attended training sessions, joined industry associations, and became certified with in-demand tools and tech. I even used the company’s educational reimbursement program to achieve my graduate degree. All these steps helped me land the job I’m in now. They’re the reason why I can look back on that period of my life with gratitude.

Establish a Work/Life Balance

When the work you’re doing doesn’t bring you fulfillment, it’s easy to feel burnt out. This is especially the case if it’s consuming you and encroaching on your personal time.

For me, it started with Outlook. I was chained to those never-ending emails that dinged at all hours of the day, even after dinnertime. I didn’t want to check my inbox in the evening. I wanted to watch King of Queens with my new husband, and play with my young puppy. I wanted to take walks down our country lane to visit my parents and stay outdoors until the fireflies came out. What started out as a small amount of resentment started to fester. I was teetering on the edge of losing myself to my job.

I talked to my boss about my workload, and we made some adjustments. I still got my work done, but I was able to leave with everyone else and I rarely brought anything home. I also started putting my phone in a drawer right after work. Those small adjustments became major game changers. I started to see success at home and at work as a result.

Establish a Work/Life Balance

Burnout rarely leads to brilliance. Instead, it makes us exhausted, and unable to perform at peak capacity. You won’t learn how to love your job by existing on three hours of sleep a night, or by pounding lattes as if they're water.

Look for ways to adjust your schedule so you feel like it’s yours again. This might mean speaking to a supervisor. This also might mean turning down opportunities for extra work. What you view as "productive" time won't be if you're sacrificing your freedom and joy.

Your life should fuel your work, not the other way around.

Plug Into Hobbies and Interests

You might be working at a job that doesn’t spark joy. Still, that doesn’t mean you have to go through the motions. Nor throw it away.

There is something to be said about financial security fuelling Career Success. That being said, you shouldn't think only in absolutes. If you NEED this job financially — which is the reality for a lot of people — then it's valid to stay for now. Yes, even if it's not your dream job.

Think about what brings you alive outside of work, and look for ways to engage meaningfully. Do you love painting? What about playing pickleball, mentoring middle-schoolers, or playing an instrument? It doesn’t have to make sense to anyone but YOU, but it’s important to pinpoint what it is.

In some situations, you might be able to take part in those hobbies right at work! If you enjoy writing, ask to help with the company newsletter. If sports are your thing, inquire about a corporate softball team or kickball league. With those small efforts, you might discover how to love your job, right where you’re at. But, don’t feel discouraged if you come up short. Local clubs might offer courses, and community events to polish your skills.

Finding a hobby or interest outside of work can actually help you love your job more.

The more you explore your creative side, the easier it will be to tolerate your professional side.

When my job started feeling especially tedious, I missed writing for fun. I returned to my childhood roots. I pulled out my old journals and notebooks and rediscovered my love of poetry. My brother and I formed a local poetry group that met on Wednesdays. It gave me something to look forward to throughout my work week.

Prioritize Your Mental Health

Working in the wrong job can do a number on your psyche. Hyper-focusing on the negative can leave you feeling discouraged, despondent, and downright depressed. It’s all too easy to fall into a funk.

This is why it’s so important to put your mental health front and center. Look for ways to unplug and recharge. Meditating, practicing yoga, reading, or taking a walk in nature can help. Again, this comes down to establishing a work/life balance. If you’re working around the clock, you might feel foolish taking an hour to yourself.

But remember the adage about pouring from an empty cup? When you’re pushed to the brink of exhaustion, your work performance suffers. So does your quality of life. Mental health breaks aren’t superfluous excuses to skirt your duties. Rather, they’re critical to your well-being.

Make self-care a part of your daily routine. It doesn’t have to be extensive. You’d be surprised at the power of a warm bath, or half an hour with a television show you love. You’ll return to work energized, with a renewed perspective that only comes with time away.

Learn How to Manage Stress

Stress can sneak up on you. At least, it did for me. I was so uninspired by my job, that I thought there was no way it could make me anxious. I wondered why I was snapping at my loved ones. I couldn't pinpoint why I spent nights tossing and turning. Or doom scrolling until my retinas burned.

The reality is that any situation can be overwhelming. You won’t absolve yourself of stress once you’ve finally found a job you love. Practicing healthy stress management techniques can strengthen your adaptability in every situation.

Some of the steps that helped me include:

  • Nourishing my body with a healthy diet
  • Engaging in light exercise a few times each week
  • Talking about my feelings with friends and family members
  • Spending less time with people who triggered my stress
  • Carving out time for myself to be alone

When you have these techniques in your back pocket, no amount of stress can unravel you. It might take some time to put them into practice. Before long, you’ll find that even the most demanding situations feel more manageable.

How to Love Your Job Even If It’s Not the One”

We all dream of getting into that ideal career one day. For me, it came later than I thought. But, I don’t regret a second that I spent in that first phase of my professional life. While spinning my wheels and navigating a new era, I learned to be flexible in my career.

I learned the value of perseverance and honing the skills that mattered to me even if I wasn’t actively using them. I also learned how to find my social circle, and lean on them when I need it. And that mental health matters. Burnout is real, and there will always be something more to do, so breaks are non-negotiable.

If you’re currently wondering how to love your job, take heart. You’re charting your own course and moving forward, even if you feel like you’re running in circles. The knowledge you gain today can shape the way your future looks tomorrow. Use this time to your advantage. Explore online courses in subjects that interest you.

Be ready when the right opportunity comes along. Uvaro offers engaging, cohort-based learning opportunities to help you sharpen your skills. Grow your network, and land the job of your dreams right from the start. Download our Career Success Catalog to learn more and get started today.

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