Interview with a Hiring Manager

Gain exclusive insights from hiring managers in fields like Cleantech and AI. Practice answering real interview questions they use to assess talent and receive live, actionable feedback to refine your responses and boost your chances of landing the job.

Spencer Blake

Mon. Mar 31, 2025 at noon - 2:00pm ET

Enrollment closes Mon. Mar 31, 2025 at noon ET

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Key Group Coaching Competencies



Articulating your translatable skillsets into the language of your target roles.


Critical Thinking

Gain industry insight to help navigate challenging interview scenarios.


Tone & Delivery

Get industry perspective on how your answers to common interview questions stack up against the current candidate pool.

Interview with a Hiring Manager Group Coaching Format

1.5 Hour Duration
50 Participants Max
50/50 Content to Practice Ratio

Explore the secrets of success with insights straight from the experts at our 'Interview with a Hiring Manager' event. This is your chance to learn directly from hiring managers about what makes a candidate stand out. Learn the key skills and attributes they seek, and how to present your experiences in a compelling way. Whether you're breaking into tech sales or aiming for your next big role, this event is a crucial step in understanding what it takes to succeed.

In this group coaching session, you'll get a unique peek into the hiring process from those who know it best. Our panel of seasoned hiring managers will share the traits they value most and the common mistakes to avoid. This event isn't just about enhancing your resume; it's about gaining the mindset and communication skills necessary to make a powerful impact. Join us and transform your approach to fit the exact needs of industry leaders, making your next job application your most successful one yet.

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Mon. Mar 31

noon - 2:00pm ET

Mon. May 12

6:00pm - 8:00pm ET

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