9 Types Of Free Sales Tools To Help You Find Your Dream Sales Job!

Finding a job is hard! Use these 9 free sales tools to help you get a leg up on the competition and find the right job for you!


Aug 23, 2022

It’s the ultimate sales assignment: How can you leverage (mostly) free sales tools to find the right sales job, and sell yourself to a potential employer? This is no easy task. Competition can be fierce.

When LinkedIn asked roughly 4,000 talent acquisition decision-makers about their top-priority hires, sales roles clearly led the pack – beating those in operations, engineering, IT, and business development. So yes, sales jobs are hot right now. But that doesn’t make it much simpler to land your dream sales job.

  • Finding the right position is like prospecting for clients: You have to make sure that the company and the role will be a good fit for what you have to offer.
  • Your resumé and cover letter are like a pitch: In a short space, you need to clearly state your value proposition.
  • Interviewing is like a discovery and demo: You learn more about your fit for each other and talk through what you bring to the table.
  • Everything needs to lead to a close: The signed contract.

But just like in sales, the right free sales tools can help you stand out or even lead the pack!

The Best Tech Tools For Your Sales Job Search

Which free sales tools should you use without shelling out cold, hard cash? Consider adding these to your job application toolkit:

1. Online personality and aptitude tests

First thing’s first: take some time to understand which jobs you’re best suited for. Online personality tests and aptitude tests can help you discover where your particular strengths and interests lie.

Use the results to pinpoint sales jobs you’ll enjoy, and sales jobs where you'll be successful. You might even learn something new about yourself during the process!

Did you know? All Uvaro recruits complete a Plum personality assessment they can share with recruiters, and that helps us build cohesive classrooms and match you to great opportunities.

2. Job search sites

You’ve probably dabbled with a few of these already, from Indeed to Jooble. These sites are free-to-use, and commonly let you filter for things like job titles, locations, companies, and the kind of working arrangement you want: For example, find a remote-only or part-time job opportunity.

But don’t overlook sales-specific job boards that are purpose-built to help connect sales organizations with great talent.

Did you know? Uvaro crawls hundreds of job postings every day, which are used by our career coaches and business outreach team to help our recruits open the door to perfect-fit job opportunities, faster.

3. Notifications and alerts

Have a specific industry, company or job title in mind? Stay up-to-date with the latest opportunities by setting up a few simple Google Alerts.

Combine your alerts with custom notifications using a tool like Zapier or IFTTT to get them in the perfect format for you—whether it's on your calendar, in your reminders app, or in a regular digest email.

Not only are alerts a great way to feed yourself new job openings right away, but you can also use them to learn about recent news in target businesses and industries. The best way to nail an interview is to come prepared!

Bonus: setting up an alert for your own name is a great way to monitor your own digital presence, too.

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4. Social networking: Especially LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a go-to for job seekers, and with good reason: somewhere between 70 and 85 percent of jobs are filled via networking. It's very hard to get hired by simply submitting your resume.

LinkedIn is the perfect place to meet potential employers and make connections with others who can give you a leg up in the application process. It’s also a great place to continue building your personal brand, sharing relevant content, and engaging in discussions with people who share your interests.

Plus, when you're working in digital sales, you'll often find yourself using professional social networks like LinkedIn on-the-job. Dig in deep as soon as you can, because they're not going away.

See more: Everything you need to know about LinkedIn, in 15 minutes [video series].

Did you know? The Uvaro community on LinkedIn in a hub of activity for thousands of people in the B2B SaaS and wider tech sales spaces: Recruiters, workers, managers, influencers, friends, and more!

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5. Employer insights

So you found a promising position – but what’s it really like to work there? Will it be a good fit? Thanks to sites like Glassdoor and RateMyEmployer, you can get a user-generated peek behind the curtain and evaluate your options on criteria like company culture, CEOs, benefits, and salary from those who’ve worked there before.

Did you know? Uvaro graduates work at hundreds of tech companies across North America. Our network of recruits regularly share workplace experiences, new job opportunities, interview tips, and more.

6. On-demand sales training

Whether you’re learning new skills or brushing up on ones you already have, you can find free, on-demand sales training courses. If you want to drive your own learning at your own pace, try a programs like Uvaro On Demand, LinkedIn Sales Academy or HubSpot Academy.

All three feature modules you can access on your own at any time, meaning you’re in control – and they’ll tell an employer not only that you’ve got the sales chops, but also that you’re serious about the game.

Did you know? Uvaro On-Demand is 100% free: No catch. Try it now.

7. Resumé-builders

Yes, you could open a template in your word processor, but there are tons of resumé-builder tools out there – many of which have free options. Try out a few see which results you like the best! Simply answer a few prompts, drag-and-drop your information around, and you’ll have a professional result without the hassle.

Did you know? All Uvaro recruits meet regularly with our professional team of Career Coaches, who help with your CV, your search strategy, practice interviews with you, and more.

8. Optimizing your keywords

Some resumés are read by humans; others by applicant tracking systems or ATSs. If you’re dealing with the latter, make sure your application rises to the top by choosing the right keywords from the job description and matching them in your resumé.

But make sure you check first, and don't overdo it! A keyword-stuffed resumé is painful for humans to read.

Tools like JobScan and Resunate take the guesswork out of this process by analyzing your resumé and providing tips on how to improve.

Did you know? Many Uvaro graduates get interviews and job offers through online networking: They never submit a job application at all!

9. Application tracking

Finding a job ultimately becomes a numbers game: If you do it well, a handful of applications can land you your dream job. And if you do it poorly, hundreds or thousands of applications still won't land you anything at all.

When it comes to keeping track of where you’ve applied and when, along with the application materials you sent… it all adds up. Use organization apps like Trello or Asana to keep track of those details. Flag jobs you’re interested in; track and manage every application and attachment you send; set deadlines and follow-up reminders. Keep yourself organized, all in one place!

Did you know? Uvaro's career services team flags bad employers to our program participants, and will even help you negotiate your job contract!

Apply like a boss

In the end, free sales tools don’t land jobs – people do. You’ll still have to do the legwork and shine like the diamond you are. But free sales tools are indispensable in helping you nail down the right roles and present yourself at your best, all while making the whole process a little more efficient and a little less painful.

These tools and more are covered during our training courses. Check out our course catalog for a full list of topics covered. We're here to help!

Learn about other tools:

Sales Tools
Tech Sales

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